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你是否畏惧暴雨的抽打?The slash of the rain?

是反斜杠0,对不?The back slash zero, right?

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这就是所谓的刀耕火种。This is known as slash and burn.

我恶意地挥砍身边的一只猫!I slash viciously at a nearby cat!

你是否畏惧雨的鞭笞?Do you fear the slash of the rain?

在大幅削减的口袋里打褶的裙子。Slash pockets with pleats at skirt.

现在我输入。Now I'm typing dot slash as a convention.

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他身中数枪,还有刀痕。In his body number gun, but also has the slash.

斩碎碎,永不停止混乱!Slash them to pieces and never stop the mayhem!

在这个削减成本的计划中,时间是关键因素。Time is the key factor in the plan to slash costs.

伊莱克斯不会泄露任何有关大幅降价的计划。Electolux won't reveal any plans to slash the price.

佐助冲了过去,团藏躲开了一刀。Sasuke charges forward and Danzo dodges a sword slash.

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佐佐木则夫将带领公司继续全力削减成本。Mr. Sasaki will inherit an all-out push to slash costs.

她加入了附近的一个食品合作社,以便减少食品开销。She joined a nearby food cooperative to slash her bill.

下凹的面颊骨在她脸上形成两处凹陷。The slash of her cheekbones created hollows in her face.

这里有程序的名字,包括。There's the name of the program including the dot slash.

你害怕暴风的锤打和骤雨的袭击吗?。Do you fear the force of the wind, the slash of the rain?

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该店计划在春节之后削减皮货的价格。The shop plans to slash fur prices after Spring Festival.

为了转换该引用,我们在它之前使用了一个反斜杠。To escape the quote, we use a backward slash to precede it.

现在你可以乘马靠近对敌人后在单侧砍杀他们。You can now ride toward enemies and slash them on each side.