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来徐霞客青年旅舍吧!Come to wuxi Hiker Youth Hostel!

有没有可能成为职业的徒步穿越者?Is it possible to be a professional hiker?

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这名徒步旅行者成功地登上了高山隘口。The hiker negociated the high mountain pass.

他步行了大约十五公里后遇到一位驾驶将他带至安全地点。It would be safer for a hiker to wear a pair of jeans or pants.

对一位徒步旅行者而言,穿牛仔裤或长裤将会是比较安全的。It would be safer for a hiker to wear a pair of jeans or pants.

一名徒步旅行者在俄罗斯的堪察加半岛的火山烟雾里攀登。A hiker climbs amid volcanic fumes in Russia's Kamchatka peninsula.

有没有可能成为职业的徒步穿越者?你有没有成为职业的穿越者?Is it possible to be a professional hiker? Have you pulled that off?

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他们利用中间人顺山砂等寄生虫。They are exploited by intermediaries , hitch hiker sand other parasites.

一只一英尺长的龙虾正在躲避一名在遁世峡谷里涉水前进的探险者。A foot-long crayfish dodges a hiker fording a stream in Claustral Canyon.

接下来上阵的是著名强驴小楼听雨。The one who followed me to try is the most famous senior hiker House Rain.

然而,迷路的猎人、徒步者和童子军的故事屡见不鲜。Anyway, it seems there's always some lost hunter, hiker or boy scout in the news.

“别太放松了,”第二个野游者回答,“我已经迷路三个月了”。“Don’t be too relieved, ” answered the second hiker. “I’ve been lost for three weeks.”

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“别太放松了,”个野游者回答,“我迷路三个月了”。"Don't be too relieved, " answered the second hiker. "I've been lost for three weeks. "

在这项研究中百分之九十的主角去扳动了操纵杆,为了挽救五个徒步行走的人杀死了单独的那个。Ninety percent of the study subjects switched tracks, killing the lone hiker to save five.

前者却反驳道,他不用跑得过熊,只要跑得过他的同伴就够了。The shod hiker retorts that it is not the bear he needs to outrun, merely his fellow hiker.

而仅仅几个星期之前,在怀俄明西北,一灰熊攻击了一名登山者并致其死亡。That rampage came just weeks after a grizzly mauled a hiker to death in northwestern Wyoming.

我身边的意大利同伴背着一个沉重的背包,在这个凉爽的清晨竟然还满头大汗。The Italian hiker next to me had a heavy pack and was sweating profusely in the cool morning.

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另一个游客去年6月在约书亚树国家公园中失踪了,尸体到现在都没有找到。Another hiker vanished last June in Joshua Tree National Park. His body has not yet been found.

下列资料由扑克之星澳门毅行提供、学生事务处代传。The following information is provided by Macau Trail Hiker and posted by Student Affairs Section.

星期日在俄勒冈州的胡德山的雪洞里发现的尸体可能就是失踪的旅行者凯利。詹姆士。It appears a body found Sunday in a snow cave on Oregon's Mount Hood is missing hiker Kelly James.