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她一年中有部分时间住在纽约。She domiciled in New York part of the year.

因税务的原因他们定居国外。They were domiciled abroad for tax purposes.

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呈请人和答辩人均以喷鼻港为居籍。Both the Petitioner and the Respondent are domiciled in Hong Kong.

有若干方式决定某人是否以香港为居籍。There are a number of ways in determining whether a person is domiciled in Hong Kong.

假如你是居住在英国境内,你在全球所拥有的资产都会被徵收继承税。As long as you are domiciled in the UK, IHT will be chargeable on your worldwide assets.

预计西班牙、德国和希腊等国的银行大部分将追加资本。Banks domiciled in Spain, Germany and Greece are expected to raise the most fresh capital.

虽然在这十年他的家是在纽国,但他的居籍仍是英国。Although his home is for the time being in New Zealand, he continues to be domiciled in England.

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基金将主要投资于在中国投资或与中国进行贸易或于中国注册的公司。The Fund will invest mainly in companies which invest in or trade with China or are domiciled in China.

公司住所地是指公司主要办事机构所在地。The term "the place where a company is domiciled" means the place where the company has its main offices.

债务人住所地指债务人的主要办事机构所在地。The phrase "place where the debtor is domiciled " means the place where the debtor's main office is located.

戴维斯先生定居于菲律宾马尼拉,在该地区致力发展TFC业务。Mr. Davies is domiciled in Manila, Philippines, where he has been actively involved in the development of TFC business.

进口单位到其所在地外汇局管辖的市、县以外的外汇指定银行付汇的。Payment is made by designated foreign exchange bank other than those in the cities and counties under the jurisdiction of domiciled SAFE.

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就和任何居住在欧洲的人一样,我有好多次在回家的路上被有彬彬有礼的警察拦住,要求查看我的身份证件。Like everyone else domiciled in Europe, Iwas many times stopped on my way home by two courteous policemen who asked tosee my identification card.

它座落在台北,在此时大约有150位学生在接受非常称职的日本教授的指导在学习医学。It is domiciled in Taihoku, and at the present moment about 150 students are studying medicine there under the guidance of competent Japanese professors.

但其中很多已经拥有了设在卢森堡以及都柏林的基金,有能力将更多的业务转移至这些金融中心,并将以欧元计值的业务安排在欧盟境内。But many already have Luxembourg and Dublin domiciled funds and could shift more business to those centres and locate euro-denominated business inside the EU.

某一地区的居民并不会因在军队服役或任公职之需在外地居住而丧失其居民身分。A resident of a Region shall not forfeit that status by virtue of being domiciled outside that Region while in the service of the armed forces or the government.

对理财顾问的调查显示,对于想从英国出走的富人来说,瑞士已明显成为最令人向往的目的地。这些顾问代表着大约2.2万非定居外国人。Switzerland has emerged as by far the most popular destination for wealthy individuals leaving Britain, according to the poll of advisers representing about 22,000 non- domiciled clients.

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来料加工、来件装配以及其它各种加工承揽合同,适用加工承揽人住所地法。For a contract for the processing of supplied materials, the assembly of provided parts and other such processing contracts, the law of the place where the processor is domiciled shall apply.

居住地的定义为选手在比赛开始的月份之前十二个月中有一百八十三天是正常地居住在该地区。Residency is defined as the Region where the individual is ordinarily domiciled for a minimum of 183 days of the twelve months immediately preceding the month in which the competition begins.

已在注册地办理了外汇登记的企业,其在境内异地或境外设立的分、支机构,不再单独办理外汇登记。Domestic or overseas subsidiaries of the enterprise that has registered with the domiciled branch of SAFE do not need to go through the formalities of foreign exchange registration separately.