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当他抖动他的衣袖时,一枚.22口径的子弹落了出来。When he shook his shirt sleeve, a .22 calibre bullet dropped out.

口径不一,各言其是,很难明辨是非和统一认识。Calibre from the words. It is difficult to identify and understanding.

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麦道夫案的显著之处在于他吸纳的高品质投资者。What marks Mr Madoff's case out, however, is the calibre of investor he suckered.

第二,继任首相候选人的能力令人堪忧。The second is the calibre of the candidates to become Japan’s next prime minister.

我听了他在莫尔顿自己的教堂讲道后,对他的能力有了初步的了解。I first got an idea of its calibre when I heard him preach in his own church at Morton.

而我们国家的人素质低劣,都是无赖和泼皮嘛?Or is the calibre of the people of our country inferior, are we all scoundrels and rogues?

“托尼”有一把口径为38的枪,他只能是自己把玩才能弄清楚怎么使用。"Tony", who owns a . 38 calibre handgun, learnt how to use his weapon by fiddling with it.

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口径提供多种输入和输出格式转换之间的各种电子。Calibre offers multi-input and -output conversions between all sorts of electronic formats.

这是塔楼与中小口径武器相结合的最新火控系统。It is the newest Fire Control System for turrets that integrate small to medium calibre weaponry.

除了合法的腐败之外,“茶党”共和党候选人的水准真是很吓人。But legalised corruption aside, the calibre of the "teabag party" Republican candidates are just plain scary.

卓越的中央飞轮口径采用的是铂金的情况提交了一份黑色鳄鱼手镯。The remarkable Central Tourbillon calibre is housed in a platinum case presented with a black alligator bracelet.

外面,三名男保镖在暗处闲逛,双手紧握高口径突击步枪。Outside, three male bodyguards loitered in the shadows, their hands gripped tightly around high calibre assault rifles.

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如果弹药库受损,战舰很有可能无法开火,甚至发生殉爆。When such modules are damaged the player will not be able to open fire from any main calibre armaments or can even blow up.

很多。我们很少有机会能和曼联这样档次的球队比赛,所以我会好好准备,希望能在比赛中进球。Very much so. It'a rare for us to face a team of the calibre of United, so I will prepare well and hope to score in the game.

步枪通常根据其采用的击发原理以及子弹口径的大小来分类。A rifle is usually classified on the basis of the type of action it employs and on the size or calibre of ammunition it fires.

面试者的综合能力越高,越有机会从事更高级的工作。How comprehensive the interview was . The more comprehensive the interview the better chance of working with high calibre staff.

另外,BAE系统公司将进行海狼导弹的中期升级并进行两挺小口径枪的升级。In addition, BAE Systems will install the Sea Wolf Mid Life Update, and she will be fitted with two upgraded small calibre guns.

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本文研究了中口径自动舰炮输弹簧的疲劳寿命及损伤规律。The fatigue life and cumulative damage of ammunition feeding spring in automatic naval gun of medium calibre have been analysed.

整体而言,香港的公共行政架构公开、问责、目光远大,由出类拨萃的人才领导,表现卓越,堪当典范。Overall, it is a model for open, accountable, forward looking public administration, headed by people of the very highest calibre.

英格兰也将把这场激烈的对抗赛作为6月6日欧洲杯预选赛与爱沙尼亚一役的提前热身。The match will provide the team with high calibre opposition in the build-up to the Euro 2008 qualifier against Estonia on 6 June.