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这叫完全变态。This is called complete metamorphosis.

按此到变形虫爵士乐团的官方网站。Go to the official website of Metamorphosis.

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摩根士丹利是一只正在变形的毛毛虫。Morgan Stanley is a caterpillar in metamorphosis.

蟑螂属于不完全变态昆虫。The cockroach undergoes incomplete metamorphosis.

网络广告正处于嬗变过程当中。Web advertising is in the midst of a metamorphosis.

每完成一部电影,东健便完成一次蜕变。DG undergoes a metamorphosis with each of his films.

诗中的”变形“是对奥维德的反动。Shakespeare's metamorphosis subverts the Ovidian model.

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仔鱼先生长,然后在锐变之前收缩。The larvae first grow, then shrink prior to metamorphosis.

你要像蝴蝶,来一次蜕变。You've got to be like a butterfly and have a metamorphosis.

苍蝇是一种完全变态的昆虫。The housefly is an insect which undergoes complete metamorphosis.

北京奇异的蜕变就是其最显而易见的例子之一。Beijing's remarkable metamorphosis is the clearest example of that.

如今,李彦宏正谋求带领百度上演一场“变形记”。Now, Li is leading the search for Baidu put on a " Metamorphosis ."

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社会、凤凰和孟泰格,三个的意像一起交错纠缠形变。The metamorphosis of society, the Phoenix, and Montag are intertwined.

分析赛莲的头骨,也发现了类似的演化拼盘。Analysis of Selam's skull hints at a similarly piecemeal metamorphosis.

是由什麽无形的力量来进行这种令人吃惊的蜕变?By what invisible power has this surprising metamorphosis been performed?

苍蝇的成长期属于完全变态还是不完全变态?Does the housefly undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?

激素调节昆虫的许多功能,包括蜕皮和变态。Hormones regulate many insect functions, including ecdysis and metamorphosis.

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激素调节昆虫的许多功能,包括蜕皮和变态。Hormones regulate many insect functions, including ecdysis and metamorphosis.

半变态的经历缺少蛹的阶段的蜕变的。用于某些昆虫。Undergoing a metamorphosis that lacks a pupal stage. Used of certain insects.

蟑螂的成长期属于完全变态还是不完全变态?Does the cockroach undergo complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?