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幸福存在于一个连续统一体。Happiness resides on a continuum.

再强调下,是连续的策略空间So there's a continuum of strategies.

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这里的策略是连续的Here there's a continuum of strategies.

要把每种驱力视为一个连续统。Think of each drive being on a continuum.

也就是说你的策略是连续的So you have a continuum of possible choices.

静态或动态只是连续区间中的点。Static and dynamic are points on a continuum.

实际上他们的策略是连续的They actually have a continuum of strategies.

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与其他方面一样,要将神经型视为一个连续统。As with everything else, look at nerves on a continuum.

连续区间中的每个点都有一套自已的折衷方式。Each point in the continuum has its own set of trade-offs.

此外,历史也从来没有真正被连续展现过。Besides, history never really operates as a continuum anyway.

辐射模型采用线和连续谱模型。The detailed line and continuum radiation models are included.

生命就是连续不断的出生与死亡,持续不断,直到永恒。And life is the continuum of birth and death, which goes on and on.

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中国的园林设计存在这样一个问题,即在设计的传承上出现了断代。One problem in China is that there is a gap in the design continuum.

我们发现它们在一个无差别的连续统中溶合。We realize that they are all fused in an undifferentiated continuum.

它们共同形成”知行合一”的统一体。Together they form a "unity of knowledge and practice" of the continuum.

溶液中的计算采用可极化连续介质模型。The polarizable continuum model is applied in the calculations in solution.

相对论则将时间、空间及重力看作光滑、不可分割的连续统一体。Relativity treats time and space and gravity as a smooth, unbroken continuum.

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这些器件适合在系统级芯片连续在一个非常独特的地方。These devices fit within the system-on-chip continuum in a very unique place.

匹特奥赛格,现在你回到了真实世界,告诉我们一个持续期。Peter Orszag, now that you are out in the real world, give us a time continuum.

本文研究太阳从可见光至近红外连续谱中的五分钟振荡。The five-minute oscillations in the solar continuum arc analyzed in this paper.