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其中最重要的选择是确定三元模型是什么。The biggest choice was deciding what a trigram is.

道教教义中的八卦在义和团揭帖中多有使用。Trigram of Taoism doctrine had been largely used in the Boxers' notices.

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自适应采用了几种不同的计数意义上的插值算法。Several interpolation methods based on trigram counts are used for the adaptation.

对于我的三元模型分析,我只利用了高差分三元模型作为消息分类器。For my trigram analysis, I utilized only the most highly differentiating trigrams as message categorizers.

其腹圆鼓,八卦爻符突出,象征着中华民族文化的博大精深。Its abdomen round drum, the eight diagrams trigram symbol is prominent, symbolizing Chinese ethnic culture broad and profound.

在汉语普通话连续音识别中,这个词义模型的性能优于基于词的三元文法模型,并且需要较小的存储空间。In Mandarin speech recognition, this model shows a better performance and requires less memory space than the word based trigram model.

大门向处不论向水或向马路能收零神卦气,及真山实地收正神卦气。Door to the Office of the road to collect water or to zero God divinatory trigram gas, and the field of real hill is God divinatory trigram gas.

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按照这个方法,大门要与命卦相配,开门要开在生气方和延年方以收旺气。Under this method, the gate with their divinatory trigram match, opened the door to the angry side to side and prolong the life of the natural gas.

不能简单地用阴阳的概念代表八卦,阴阳是五行和八卦两者共同的理论基础。Being not a term only embodying the eight trigrams, Ying-yang is a common theoretical basis for both the five-element theory and that of the eight- trigram.

在本文中,我们提出了一种统一的统计语言模型方法用来汉语自动分词和中文命名实体识别,这种方法对基于词的三元语言模型进行了很好的扩展。In this paper, we extend a word-based trigram modeling to Chinese word segmentation and Chinese named entity recognition, by proposing a unified approach to SLM.

本文利用三元模型,通过引入相似词,采取“词形-相似词-词性”三步回退的策略,比较好地缓解了数据稀疏问题。Based on trigram models, this paper proposes a three-step method of "word—similar word—part of speech" by incorporating the similar words and solves the problem of sparse data to a large extent.