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他承认自己是个阴谋家。He himself admits he is a schemer.

可那太傅却是一位狡诈邪恶的阴谋家who was a cunning and wicked schemer.

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他是从古至今最大的阴谋家。He is the greatest schemer of all time.

一个普通的阴谋计划者,利用一只凶恶的猎狗也就满足了。An ordinary schemer would have been content to work with a savage hound.

第三,文本的策划者将这套文本定位为“民间文本”,带有很大的虚幻性与不确定性。Thirdly, it is very illusory and uncertain for schemer to orient the text as folk text.

她等着,后来不耐烦了,并寻求丰猛的谋士,并要求在她的丈夫。She waited and later grew impatient, and sought out Feng Meng the schemer and asked where her husband was.

从思想系统,到事件系统的转变同样能体现在语言哲学上。The transition from the think schemer to an event or process schemer is also reflected in the philosophy of language.

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现在更多的转会都缠绕在阿隆索的转会身上,但是卡拉格希望这些报道虚无缥缈。One of those linked with a summer exit is Spanish schemer Xabi Alonso, but Carragher hopes those reports prove wide of the mark.

因为他们觉得这些钱还不够。而阿森纳方面非常希望在这月转会窗口关闭前签下俄国人来增强他们的攻击线。The Gunners are hoping to sign the Russian schemer as they look to bolster their attacking options in this month's transfer window.

王后说她只想找到真正杀害她儿子的凶手,不想让真凶逍遥法外,误杀良臣,中了奸人的诡计。The queen said she wanted to find her son's murderer, the murderer did not want unpunished, manslaughter in the Liangchen, schemer.

正在寻求阿奎拉尼替代品的尤文图斯将眼光放在了皇家马德里的中场赫迪拉身上。Juventus are looking at alternatives to on-loan midfielderAlberto Aquilani and are believed to have settled on Real Madrid schemer SamiKhedira.

第三章主要探讨战国中后期开始活跃在乱世舞台上的谋臣策士、良弼猛将。The third part discussed the beginning of the Warring States in the late active stage in the policy makers are troubled times wenchen and schemer.

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然而阿奎拉尼续约受阻的消息又让他们重新回到转会市场。上个周末有消息称,尤文正准备为这名中场指挥家重新报价。However, the news of Aquilani's contract problems has led them to rethink this initiative, and it was reported at the weekend that Juve were set to launch a fresh offer for the schemer.