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我觉得很疲劳。I feel weary.

谁累着你了?Who weary you?

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她的确显得疲倦。She did look weary.

她使他跳得疲累不堪。She danced him weary.

今天夜里他已经累了。He was weary to-night.

令你厌烦忧戚?Weary thee, grieve thee?

我后悔甚不耐烦。I am weary with repenting.

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他发出了一声疲倦的长叹。He gave a long, weary sigh.

我厌倦了你的见异思迁。I am weary of your changing.

失望而困乏地,我回来了。Baffled and weary I come back.

疲倦的乞丐低声地祈祷。The weary beggar droned a prayer.

疲惫不堪的牧师喃喃地念祷词。The weary priest droned a prayer.

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睡吧,又甜蜜又困倦。Lay down your sweet and weary head.

他蹒跚地走回家,感到十分疲乏。He haggled home and felt very weary.

他的脸郁闷而颓丧。His face looked depressed and weary.

使我在这漫漫长夜里目不交睫?My heavy eyelids to the weary night?

我是多么疲倦于我的善恶呵!How weary I am of my good and my bad!

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我走累了,需要歇一会儿。I weary with walking and need a rest.

我很疲惫,乔拉,我对战争感到厌倦。I was tired, Jorah. I was weary of war.

感谢自己那时的厌烦和疲倦不堪。Be thankful when you're tired and weary.