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但是凯文?埃弗雷特立刻倒下了。But it was Kevin Everett who immediately went down.

埃林顿和埃弗雷特知道,他是他们做的家伙。And Everett Ellington knows that he's the guy to do them.

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艾弗莱特先生先向总统致意,然后发表人们引颈以待的长篇演说。Mr. Everett first addressed the President, then began his long expected speech.

在亚伯拉罕林肯总统进行葛底斯堡演说之前,Everett做了长达2个小时的演说。Before President Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address, Everett spoke for two hours.

美国卫生局局长埃弗里特·库普发表了对AIDS的报告。它呼吁性教育。US Surgeon General Everett Koop publishes a report on AIDS. It calls for sex education.

父亲得了重病,弥留之际,想对儿子说出那多年来未说出口的一句话…He told Everett that he knew he and his father had said nothing to each other for 20 years.

多多成了小镇唯一会放电影的人,他接替艾佛特成了小镇的电影放映师。Became the only town put a lot of movies, he became the town to succeed Everett movie projectionist.

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但是很多医生说,并没有证明凯文?埃弗雷特是因为降低体温疗法好转的。But some doctors say there is no proof that Kevin Everett is improving because of hypothermia therapy.

本文分六个部分来评述米尔的临床心理学评估思想。This paper falls into six parts to commentate the Clinical Psychological Assessments ideology of Paul Everett Meehl.

25岁的埃弗雷特低下头用头盔撞对方队员想把对方扭倒。The twenty-five-year-old Everett put his head down and, with his helmet, crashed into the other player to tackle him.

果一家中资企业以“国家秘密”为由拒绝向其审计公司交出文件,该怎么办?Everett CollectionWhat do you do if a Chinese company invokes 'state secrets' as a reason for not handing over documents to its auditors?

我们将向SEC提交我们位于华盛顿州艾佛雷特和西雅图项目的全部财务资料。We will be fully disclosing to the SEC all financial documentation related to our development projects in Everett and Seattle, Washington.

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最高法院法官桑德拉·欧科纳70多岁,前外科医生协会总裁C·埃弗雷特·库普80来岁还主持了一个网站的起步工作。Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O Connor is in her 70s, and former surgeon general C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start up in his 80s.

最高法院法官桑德拉·欧康奈现在已70有余,前卫生局医务主任C·库普80来岁还出任了一个互联网公司的总裁。Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor is in her 70s, and former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop chairs an Internet start-up in his 80s.

这个也就是我总是对于自由运动有所共识的原因,象西北部的「无政府主义」,「埃弗雷特大搏斗」等等…That's why I was always sympathetic to freedom movents, too, like anarchism in the Northwest, the oldtime heroes of Everett Massacre and all.

这个也就是我总是对自由运动有所共叫的原因,象西北部的「无政府主义」,「埃弗雷特大屠杀」等等…That's why I was always sympathetic to freedom movements, too, like anarchism in the Northwest, the oldtime heroes of Everett Massacre and all.

所有的四架测试机都是在波音767客机的基础上改装的变种,这些改装工作都在波音位于埃弗雷特的制造厂进行。All four test aircraft are now under varying stages of construction on the 767 airliner line at Boeing's Everett manufacturing facility near Seattle, Washington.

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这就是为什么,布朗说,宇宙学家更倾向于赞同由普林斯顿的物理学家休?埃弗里特在上世纪50年代晚期创立的诠释。That's why, Brown says, cosmologists now tend to be more sympathetic to an interpretation created in the late 1950s by Princeton University physicist Hugh Everett.

阿拉巴马州共和党众议员艾佛里警告说,削减拨款将危及美国和波兰及捷克共和国达成协议的希望,并且给北约送去错误的信息。Alabama Republican Congressman Terry Everett warned that funding cuts would endanger hoped for agreements with Poland and the Czech Republic, and send a bad message to NATO.

湖人队的埃尔文.约翰逊首次被称为“魔术师”,是他15岁读高二时在兰辛市的埃弗雷特中学打球,取得三双36分,18个篮板和16次助攻的成绩。The Lakers' Earvin Johnson was first dubbed "Magic" as a15-year-old sophomore playing for Lansing's Everett High School, when he recorded a triple-double of 36 points, 18 rebounds and 16 assists.