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以阿利萨·米兰为例。Take Alyssa Milano.

米兰我爱你!Milano , I love you!

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贝隆明天就满30岁了,这一天也是国际米兰俱乐部成立的日子。Veron turns 30 tomorrow, the same day FC Internazionale Milano was founded.

Life是专为2015年米兰世博会打造的一款可循环使用的纸制的水壶。The Life is a recycled paper-made water container designed for Milano Expo 2015.

丹佛掘金的前锋加里纳里也于上周重新参与了他的老东家米兰奥林匹亚。Denver Nuggets forward Danilo Gallinari rejoined his former Italian club Olimpia Milano last week.

这场一年一度的时尚盛宴通常在意大利米兰举行,今年则首次在上海举办。The annual Milano Fashion Global Summit, usually held in Milan, takes place in Shanghai Friday for the first time.

1908年发生了一件影响很坏的事情,俱乐部里一些心怀不满的人脱离出去,成立了一个名为国际米兰的俱乐部。An important negative event took place in 1908, when a part of malcontents10 from the club formed a club named Internazionale Milano.

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目前也没根据米拉诺标准对肝癌移植前治疗对移植后六个月内的影响进行评估。The current data suggest that there is no role for pre-transplant therapy for HCC within Milano criteria transplanted within six months.

他是在米兰理工大学创新管理学教授,也是和对欧洲高级管理研究学院的委员会成员。He is a professor of the management of innovation at Politecnico di Milano and a member of the board of the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management.

我们认为人性化设计奖应颁给帕森设计学院,米兰大学,史蒂文斯科技学院联合建造的天赐能量小屋。Our guess for the humanitarian award though goes to the Empowerhouse by Parsons The New School for Design, the Milano School, and Stevens Institute of Technology.

战胜亚特兰大使我感到双倍的满足,因为胜利是最后一刻才取得的,尤其是在连续两场分别在雷吉纳和米兰的比赛以同一种方式失利之后。Beating Atalanta felt twice as satisfying because it came in the last minute, especially after having lost 2 matches in a row in the same manner, in Reggio Calabria and Milano.