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他在军需部门。He's in the quartermaster corps.

军需官负责补给物资。The quartermaster is in charge of stores.

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史密斯先生曾经是个军需官。Mr. Smith was a quartermaster in the army.

舵工调转船头使船顶风停下。The quartermaster swung the ship into the wind and laid it by.

航信士官通过机舱令钟传达了命令。The quartermaster rang up the order on the engine room telegraph.

此刻,将军只觉得粮官让他感到芒刺在背。The general now feels the quartermaster to be a thorn in his side.

实际上舵手比船长具有更多的权利。The quartermaster actually had more power than the captain of the ship.

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他从炊事班战士一步一步地做到了司务长。He was promoted to company quartermaster from a cookhouse soldier rank by rank.

值班驾驶员应亲自操作或监督舵工进行转换操作。The duty officer shall operate by himself or monitor the quartermaster to shift.

军需处长用自己宝贵的生命换来了他人的生命,自己只穿着单薄的衣服。Director with his quartermaster precious life for the people's life, his only in a thin dress.

其他时候,当他犯规或者是为西班牙或其他的敌人捕获时,他会被悬挂在绞架上。Other times they were hung by either the quartermaster or when they were captured by the Spanish or other enemy.

船舶靠泊时,我们在小麦里发现了虫子,并让舵工将船移靠浮筒熏了一下。We founddiscovered insects in the wheat when the ship was at the buoys, and let the quartermaster shift the ship to the buoys for fumigation.

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这个前中队警官甚是愉快,他看了整晚的电视,直到第二天凌晨5点,生怕会再次失明。The former Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant was so ecstatic he stayed up all night until 5 am watching television in case his sight went again.

他跟一个下了班的舵手闲聊,那是个聪明人,立即向他做起社会主义宣传,把一摞传单和小册子塞进他的手里。He talked with a quartermaster off duty, an intelligent man who promptly prodded him with the socialist propaganda and forced into his hands a bunch of leaflets and pamphlets.

一离开省长那里,尼古拉随即雇了一辆驿车,带上司务长乘车直奔二十俄里外的地主养马场。Nikolay took a posting carriage, and making his quartermaster get in beside him, galloped straight off from the governor's to the gentleman with the stud of fine horses twenty versts away.

舵手负责船员之间的战利品分配、在处置俘虏之前看守他们,并惩罚那些不守规矩的海盗。The quartermaster was responsible for dividing the loot evenly between crewmembers, watching over prisoners until the crew could decide what to do with them, and to punish pirates who broke rules.