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他是一名古董商。He is a dealer in antique.

古董杰里马奥尼假人。An antique Jerry Mahoney dummy.

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古玩商们有一个行内流传的笑话。Antique dealers have an "in" joke.

大厅内古香古色的氛围。Antique atmosphere inside the hall.

这把古老而珍贵的椅子是一七五○年造的。This antique chair was made in 1750.

她很会鉴赏古代家具。She has an eye for antique furniture.

史密斯家收集古董家具。The Smiths collect antique furniture.

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我的一个朋友在巴黎做古董商。A friend is an antique dealer in Paris.

我受骗了!这古董是件膺品。I've been done ! The antique is a fake.

这只雕花盒子是件古玩真品。This carved chest is a genuine antique.

能给老夫也瞧瞧么?Can give antique male is the lo lo also?

在古书里对我显示你的肖像。Show me your image in some antique book.

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形似观音古董船首像。Antique Figurehead, possibly of Guangyin.

他是古家俱鉴定家。He is a connoisseur of antique furniture.

他把修理旧式玩具当成嗜好。He tinkers with antique toys for a hobby.

茶汤染布,古色古香。The millet paste dyes the cloth, antique.

真是一辆漂亮的车,这一定是辆古董车。It's a real beauty. It must be an antique.

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我们在博物馆看到古时的白镴盘子。In the museum we saw antique pewter plates.

约翰是骨董家具的行家。John is a connoisseur of antique furniture.

那枚小小的旧银别针就放在我的手上。The tiny antique silver pin lay in my hand.