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但当我把这告诉一位我认识的生态学家时,她吓了一跳。But when I told an ecologist I know, she was horrified.

生态学家萨沙克莱默帮助海地贫穷作斗争。Ecologist Sasha Kramer is helping to fight poverty in Haiti.

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生境小区的饱和对生态学家是特别有意义的。Saturation of a biotope is of special interest to the ecologist.

刘书润,草原生态学家,曾在内蒙古生活多年。Liu Shurun is a grassland ecologist who lived in Inner Mongolia for many years.

我们今天采访到了该小组的主创科学家之一——植物生态学家安妮·拉瑞德里。We spoke with one of the scientists creating the panel – plant ecologist Anne Larigauderie.

总部位于美国的自然保护协会的资深生物学家艾里克·梅加德的工作有助于这项发现。Erik Meijaard, a senior ecologist with the U. S. -based Nature Conservancy, helped make the find.

您正在收听的是州立圣迭戈大学保育生物学家丽贝卡·刘易森的讲话。You're listening to Rebecca Lewison. She is a conservation ecologist at San Diego State University.

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当然,巴尔捷涅夫的故事也有不少地方令人生疑,尤其是他自称是生态学家。Of course, Bartenev's story also appears dubious in places, especially his claim to be an ecologist.

“不改变,沙漠会恶化”托尼博格斯声称,这是位身材魁梧,留着一大把红胡须的生态学家。"Without change, deserts deteriorate," claims Tony Burgess, a burly ecologist with a huge red beard.

“我觉得挺奇怪,”雷透露道,“作为热带植物生态学家的我,竟然搞起了计算机设计。”"I find it rather peculiar, " Ray confides, "that as a tropical plant ecologist I'm now designing computers.

生态城市是城市生态学家杨·诺斯基于1987年提出的一种理想城市模式。The concept of Ecological city was raised by a Russian ecologist Anitsky. O. Y in 1987, an ideal city module.

“嗨,萨莫尔,”戴着一顶松软绿色帽子的以色列生态学家萨瑞格·格夫尼说,“核实一下这个小家伙。”"Hey, Samer, " says Sarig Gafny, an Israeli ecologist in a floppy, green hat, "check this little fellow out."

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另一个延长了在当地挂职时间的科学家是农业生态学家曾馥平。Another scientist who has extended his stay away from his institute is Zeng Fuping, an agricultural ecologist.

生态学家,丹鲍肯讲到森林时说,“和着改变气候的拍子缓缓的穿行于地貌之中。”Ecologist Dan Botkin speaks of forests "marching slowly across the landscape to the beat of the changing climate.

这次研究是由行为生态学家汤玛斯•格林博士带领捷克共和国帕拉斯基大学进行的。The research was conducted by Dr Tomas Grim, a behavioural ecologist with the Czech Republic's Palacky University.

这次研究是由行为生态学家汤玛斯•格林博士带领捷克共和国帕拉斯基大学进行的。The research was conducted by Dr Tomas Grim, a behavioural ecologist with the Czech Republic’s Palacky University.

生态方面的危险也不应该低估,中国科学院植物研究所的一位生态学家魏伟认为。Ecological risks should not be underestimated either, says Wei Wei, an ecologist here at CAS’s Institute of Botany.

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路易斯安那威尼斯南墨西哥湾,海礁生态学家斯科特·波特费力地清除手上的石油。Marine reef ecologist Scott Porter works to remove oil from his hands in the Gulf of Mexico south of Venice, Louisiana

在昆士兰州克雷文地区的高峰保护区,丛林遗产的生态学家马克思·蒂施勒手拿一只沙漠短尾鼠。Max Tischler an ecologist with Bush Heritage holds up a desert short-tailed mouse at Craven's Peak Reserve Queensland.

在昆士兰州克雷文地区的高峰保护区,丛林遗产的生态学家马克思·蒂施勒手拿一只沙漠短尾鼠。Max Tischler, an ecologist with Bush Heritage, holds up a desert short-tailed mouse at Craven's Peak Reserve, Queensland.