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客房预订,建厂细节及规格合约的部分文件。Guest room book, millwork details and specifications are part of contract documents.

一些经销商报告说,在最近几个星期,来自木制品加工厂的询价增多转好。Some distributors have reported upturns in inquiries from millwork shops in recent weeks.

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质地沉厚,坚久耐用的硬木。用于家具,门窗框,和镶板。A beautiful heavy, hard, and strong hardwood tree. This is used for furniture, millwork and paneling.

所有须染色或油漆的木制品均由负责此项目的木制品分包商完成。All millwork noted to be stained or lacquered is to be the finish responsibility of the Millwork SubContractor.

会议厅楼层铺有海蓝色卷花地毯,奶白色墙壁装饰以不同风格的绘画和摆件。The floors on the meeting level are carpeted in a rich blue scroll pattern and the walls are painted millwork with inset of upholstery.

每年家具生产商,橱柜生产商和建筑公司都会产生大量的锯屑和碎料等废弃物。Each year, furniture manufacturers, cabinet makers and architectural millwork companies generate tons of sawdust and wood chips as waste.

进入门户网站设立了利用自定义加工和新的门镶板系统,这将有助于肯定阶段内的氛围,齐默说。Entry portals were created using custom millwork and a new door-paneling system, which help set the stage to the atmosphere inside, Zimmer says.

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虽然有一些措施是所有的橱柜,加工和特种木材产品生产企业可以采取的以帮助尽量减少金融危机对他们的影响。There are measures that all cabinet, millwork and specialty wood products companies can take to help minimize the impact these events have on them.

缓慢的商业建筑,平淡的房屋市场和没有生气的翻修活动预示着线条和木制品制造商艰难的业务。Slowing commercial construction, flat housing markets and lackluster remodeling activity portend tougher business for moulding and millwork manufacturers.

“我们已经萎靡不振四年了”,佛罗里达·怀瑞比奇的木制品供应商杰夫·汤普森说,“但是对于拿到新工程项目,我似乎看到了一丝曙光。”"I've been in a crash for four years," millwork supplier Jeff Thompson of Vero Beach, Florida, told Reuters. "But I'm almost seeing a glimmer of light in getting new projects.

“我们已经萎靡不振四年了”,佛罗里达·怀瑞比奇的木制品供应商杰夫·汤普森说,“但是对于拿到新工程项目,我似乎看到了一丝曙光。”"I've been in a crash for four years," millwork supplier Jeff Thompson of Vero Beach, Florida, told Reuters. "But I'm almost seeing a glimmer of light in getting new projects."

大多数人都被警告过烘干板材供应会变紧张,但是他们没有足够的来自橱柜,家具和木制品工厂的业务,以增加购买。Most have been warned that kiln-dried lumber supplies are tightening, but they simply don't have enough business from cabinet, furniture and millwork shops to justify increased purchasing.