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不要,我不要怜悯的施舍。No, I do not need the pitying almsgiving.

我并没有花太多时间自怨自艾。I don’t spend a lot of time pitying myself.

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发出轻柔怜悯的笑声。With such a sound of gently pitying laughter.

过去我曾叹惜过自己没书读。I had been pitying myself for not having books to read.

不知为什么,马丁已经怜悯起他来,不过他马上就明白了。Martin found himself pitying him he knew not why, though he was soon to learn.

我们来中国前结识的朋友,当他们来看望我们时,都致以双倍的同情。Friends we’d known in our pre-China life did pitying double takes when they came to visit.

可能你会感到震惊,然后用可怜的目光看着我,而且认为我肯定恨死父亲了。Here's where you gasp, look upon me with pitying eyes and assume that I musthate my father.

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在我看来,一个母亲的幽灵——一个母亲的最淡漠的幻影——也会对她儿子投以怜悯的目光吧!Ghost of a mother- thinnest fantasy of a mother- methinks she might yet have thrown a pitying glance towards her son!

对于这种情况我虽有无奈却别无选择,因为在现在的形式下,搬回来和父母住在一起确实是个理性的选择。I don’t spend a lot of time pitying myself. Moving back home was the rational choice to make, under the circumstances.

把一去不回的时间浪费在回顾微不足道的事,怀恨或自传之上,这样的做法是多么欠思虑啊!How thoughtless to waste the irreplaceable hours reviewing insignificant incidents, bearing a grudge or pitying oneself!

就因为红颜弹指老,我们才要好好地爱惜自己,一起来听听专家给我们的建议吧。On because the young person snaps fingers old, we only then must like pitying itself well, listens to the expert together to ours suggestion.

我不确信的是亚裔男生能否消除顾影自怜,勇敢成为亚裔女生的生活里积极的、具有支持性和建设性的一部分。What I'm not so sure about is whether he can ever get over pitying himself and actually step up to be a positive, supportive and constructive component to our lives.

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哀怜的手指扫除了她们苍白的脸上的积雪,两个死女人的脸上都是静穆的容颜,谁也认不出哪一个是曾经堕落的娼妇。And when pitying fingers brushed the snow from their wan faces, you could scarcely have told from the equal peace that dwelt upon them, which was she that had sinned.

人们想让鲍什知道,他的讲话让他们不再自怨自艾,帮助他们走出离婚的阴影,或更加重视家庭。People wanted Dr. Pausch to know that his talk had inspired them to quit pitying themselves, or to move on from divorces , or to pay more attention to their families.

从他的画作看来,徐悲鸿的艺术观与他关注现实、悲天悯人、关注国家、民族命运的个人气质有关。Looking at his works, Xu Beihong's views of art were related to his own concern for observing reality, bemoaning the state, and pitying the fate of mankind and nation.

台下的小孩子发出吃吃笑声,稍大一点的孩子只好傻笑,可怜这个老妇人,她僵硬的手指永远不会像小孩子那样灵活了。Small children giggled in the audience, and a few older ones smirked, pitying the old woman for her stiff arthritic fingers that would never be as good and agile as theirs.