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嗯,我不确定MBA。Well, I'm not sure MBA.

你为什么觉得MBA好呢?Why do you think the MBA is good?

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他们没有说“我现在有了MBA学位。They didn't say "Now I have my MBA.

你满意企管硕士课程吗?Are you happy with your MBA program?

1995年,我从麻省理工学院获得企管硕士学位。In 1995, I received my MBA from MIT.

药剂学或者MBA优先。Pharmacy or MBA degree is preferred.

系统决定了WBA以及MBA。The system determines the WBA and MBA.

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其次,MBA学位甚至可能是有害的。Second of all, an MBA could be harmful.

你为什么决定来读斯坦福大学的工商管理硕士呢?Why'd you decide to come to Stanford MBA?

我决定转变一下,去读MBA。And so I decided to switch and pursue an MBA

你的工商管理硕士课程不教这个。They are not teaching this in your MBA class.

也许读法学院,或者读MBA。go to a law school maybe, or maybe get my MBA.

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每个斯坦福大学的工商管理硕士都像你这么优秀吗?Is everyone else in Stanford MBA amazing like you?

系统使用基本工资周期来计算MBA。The system uses base period wages to calculate MBA.

陈晓丹也在哈佛上学,攻读MBA。Chen Xiadan is also studying at Harvard, for an MBA.

拿到MBA对获取高级职位有帮助。Getting an MBA will help for senior-level positions.

王林现正在美国一所大学念工商管理硕士学位。Wang Lin is doing his MBA in an American University.

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早上7点钟,MBA购置申请标将会被发布。At 7 a.m. ET, MBA Purchase Applications will be released.

我于九八年在北大获得工商管理硕士学位。I received my MBA degree from Beijing University in 1998.

蔡建平是那种企业寻求的MBA人才。James Tsai is the sort of MBA corporate recruiters covet.