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爱那些爱着你的人。Bbe loving to those who love you.

做图像处理的人可以用来参考。Do the image processing can bbe used for reference.

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在您的产品放入脑干脑炎,使他们更好的声音。Put BBE in your products to make them sound better.

奉神旨意,作基督耶稣使徒的保罗,和兄弟提摩太。Paul , an apostle of Jesus Christ by the will of God , and Timotheus our brother , bbe.

由于横幅广告随处可见,在BBE的网站,我们知道,印象会很强烈。Since the banner ads are visible everywhere in the BBE site, we knew that the impressions would be strong.

这就告诉我们,有一种作为一个在其中有BBE的音频技术的结果这些产品的强烈兴趣。This tells us that there is a strong interest in these products as a result of having BBE audio technology in them.

正如我们常说,BBE的授权带来的远远超过优良的音频技术,更是一个丰富的营销机会。As we have always said, the BBE license brings far more than superior audio technology, it is a rich marketing opportunity.

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主要鉴别点是BBE患者可以有意识障碍、病理征和影像学异常。The main identifications of BBE are conscious disturbance, positive reflex of Babinski's sign and abnormal imaging results in some patients.

因为互联网创业的成本如此之低,所以初创企业的数目将呈指数式增长。It's so cheap to start web startups that orders of magnitudes more will bbe started. If the pattern holds true, that should cause dramatic changes.

教育如不能以激发首创精神开始,不以促进这种精神结束,就一定是错误的。因为教育的全部目的就是使人具有活跃的智慧。An education which does not begin by evoking initiative and end by encouraging it must bbe wrong. For its whole aim is the production of active wisdom.

的声誉和品牌知名度和BBE的音乐声中享受使得爱好者的横幅广告BBE的行政许可有效率,有效的工具。The reputation and brand recognition BBE enjoys among music and sound enthusiasts makes CE banner advertising for BBE licensees an efficient, effective tool.

松下借此机会展示其维埃拉与声音BBE的高清电视,并指示消费者零售巨头百思买和其他主要零售商。Panasonic took this opportunity to feature its Viera televisions with BBE HD Sound, and directed consumers to retail giant Best Buy and other major retailers.

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“我们推出了我们的旗帜广告活动,因为这是一个理想的机会为目标的优质电子产品合格的消费者,”戴维说迈凯轮,执行副总裁BBE音效。"We launched our banner ad campaign because this is an ideal opportunity to target qualified consumers of premium CE products, " said David McLaren, Executive Vice President of BBE Sound.