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他局促不安地挪动双脚。He fidgeted awkwardly with his feet.

那名年青兵士拙笨地敬礼。The young soldier saluted awkwardly.

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依然包括落款,尽管常常显得笨拙。They are still evolving, often awkwardly.

鸭嘴兽在陆地上的行动有点笨拙。On land, platypuses move a bit more awkwardly.

它拿出他的手机,笨拙地在屏幕上轻轻敲击。It took out his cell phone and tapped awkwardly on the screen.

我们一起走下舞池,笨拙地搂着对方。We walked out on the dance floor and held each other awkwardly.

布查南笨拙地用双手托起她伸过去的手。Buchanan took her proffered hand and cupped it awkwardly in his.

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“滑稽”是为欢闹的节日制造笨拙或好笑的东西。Huaji is making up awkwardly or funnily for hilarious festivals.

她的邻座尴尬的笑了笑,头埋在杂志里抬都没抬一下。Her seatmate smiled awkwardly without looking up from her magazine.

这就使盖特纳对全球再平衡的希冀略嫌难堪了。That sits awkwardly with Mr Geithner’s hopes for global rebalancing.

约翰不自在地清清喉咙想找话讲。John awkwardly cleared his throat as he tried to think of something to say.

与众不同,有时很别扭,纽芬兰人。Being different, sometimes awkwardly so, comes naturally to Newfoundlanders.

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他飞快地吃完一大份腌鱼,我别扭地坐在他旁边。As he polished off a generous portion of kippers, I sat awkwardly beside him.

结果可能你尴尬的弓在被子里吃完,面包屑弄得到处都是。The result is you eat awkwardly hunched over the sheets, with crumbs everywhere.

这样到真的演起来,大家就不会怯场、尴尬。Like this arrives really develops, everybody will not have stage fright, awkwardly.

“第二次”他们看见卢平、罗恩和小矮星彼得从柳树下面的洞里笨拙地钻出来。They saw Lupin, Ron and Pettigrew clambering awkwardly out of the hole in the roots.

他显然非常紧张,局促不安地在麦克风前站了好几分钟。He was obviously very nervous and for some minutes stood awkwardly before the microphone.

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“倒下时我感觉很笨,左腿被什么绊住了,”诺维斯基说。I fell awkwardly and my left leg got caught underneath of me, ' Nowitzki said in a statement.

在这段一分钟的短片中,女职员边舔冰棍,边发出吮吸声,在场的男同事们十分尴尬地把脸转过往。Male colleagues look away awkwardly as she moans and licks the lolly in the minute-long clip.

麦卡斯基先生尴尬地抽出他的手,不过把手放在了他妻子的肩膀旁。Awkwardly Mr. McCaskey withdrew his hand. But he laid it around the nearing shoulders of his wife.