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是一位来自纽约的民主党众议院女议员。K. G. is a Democratic congresswoman from New York.

Vinocur称赞了为吉佛兹进行急救的大学实习生的表现。Doctor Vinocur praised the college intern who gave the congresswoman first aid.

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艾莉来到华盛顿特区,成了国会女议员维多利亚拉德的助手。Elle comes to Washington DC to work as an aide to Congresswoman Victoria Ruddy.

今天在美国俄亥俄州的克利夫兰举行纪念俄亥俄州女国会议员琼斯。A memorial service for Ohio Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones in Cleveland today.

她说,子弹穿过的路径对这位40岁的众议员来说是非常幸运的。She says the path that the bullet took was lucky for the forty-year-old congresswoman.

痛苦之后的国会议员仍然一颗子弹穿过她的大脑,情况危殆。The Congresswoman remains in critical condition after suffering a bullet through her brain.

李承晚博士手术治疗的众议员,也是对枪击事件的其他受害者。Doctor Rhee operated on the congresswoman and also treated other victims of the shooting attack.

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亚利桑那州人拥有枪支是一项悠久传统——甚至国会女议员吉佛兹都曾说要有把枪。Arizonans have a long tradition with guns -- even Congresswoman Giffords talked about owning one.

纽约的女众议员雪莉.奇肖尔姆也参加了竞争,成为第一位参加竞选的非裔美国人。Congresswoman Shirley Chisholm of New York also ran, becoming the first African-American to do so.

在一月份头部被枪击的女议员吉福兹观看了发射过程。The blast-off was watched by Gabrielle Giffords, the US congresswoman shot in the head in January.

这或许可以解释为什么我们从国会议员乔·安·爱默生那里得到是摔门的待遇。Which could explain why all we got from Congresswoman Joe Ann Emerson was the slam-door treatment.

高总与杰克逊—李众议员夫妇还就双方共同关心的其他问题交换了看法。Consul General Gao and Congresswoman Jackson-Lee also exchanged views on other issues of common interest.

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吉佛兹是本月初亚利桑那州图桑市枪击事件的受害者之一。Congresswoman Giffords was one of the victims of the shooting attack in Tucson, Arizona earlier this month.

亚利桑那州众议员加布里埃尔吉福兹,40岁,已被枪杀在家乡公益活动上周六在她的。Arizona congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, 40, has been shot at a public event on Saturday in her home state.

一位邻居曾邀请克里斯蒂娜,以满足附近一家商店的事件“对你的角落国会”,她的女议员。A neighbor had invited Christina to meet her congresswoman at a "Congress on Your Corner" event near a store.

在前两轮辩论中大放异彩的明尼苏达州州女议员巴克曼,勉强是值得关注。Michele Bachmann, a congresswoman from Minnesota who had shone in the past two debates, was barely noticeable.

和“佩洛西下台”,指来自加利福尼亚的女国会议员南希·佩洛西。Others yelled "You lie, you lie!" and "Pelosi has to go, " referring to California congresswoman Nancy Pelosi.

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在被占领的柏林,军队上尉被撕毁在前纳粹咖啡馆歌手和美国国会女议员之间调查她。In occupied Berlin, an army captain is torn between an ex-Nazi cafe singer and the U. S. congresswoman investigating her.

而现在身为国会议员达科沃斯看着今天的决定,看到这一悠久传统所面临的改革及阻力。Now Congresswoman Ducthworth looks at today's decision and sees it a part of the long tradition of reform and resistance.

来自爱达荷州的前共和党众议员海伦·切诺维斯·哈格曾供认了自己与一个已婚男人的六年情史。Helen Chenoweth-Hage, the late Republican congresswoman from Idaho, once confessed to a six-year affair with a married man.