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谨慎计划。Plan prudently.

计划你的休息。Plan your rest.

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制定行动计划。Plan for action.

计划要说什么。Plan what to say.

工厂平面图.The factory plan.

等等,打算去哪?。Etc, plan où aller?

现场规划图。Site location plan.

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你必须早作计画。You must plan ahead.

你有没有什么计划啊?Do you have any plan?

这就是格里夫的计划?Is that Griff's plan?

做一个10年计划。Make a ten year plan.

这个计划行不通。This plan won't work.

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也许一个连贯性的方案可能会帮助我们实现这一目标。A coherent plan could.

我同意了这个计划。I agreed to this plan.

那个计画没有成功。That plan didn't work.

打算落了空。The plan fell through.

计划休假的旅行。To plan a vacine trip.

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你可以计谋并做计划。You can plot and plan.

他欣然同意了她的计划。He sparked to her plan.

这是导游图。Here is a guiding plan.