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他在说废话。He is talking rubbish.

朴实之余,就全部是垃圾了。The rest is just rubbish.

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废物箱在这里。Here is rubbish receptacle.

把垃圾丢弃在桶内。Dump the rubbish in the bin.

咱们把垃圾推出去吧。Let's wheel the rubbish out.

把你的垃圾放进箱子。Put your rubbish in the bin.

他们是地地道道的垃圾。They were out-and-out rubbish.

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我们已把垃圾扫走了。We have swept off the rubbish.

她总是在说废话。She talks rubbish all the time.

那本书废话连篇。That book is a load of rubbish.

快把这些零七八碎扔了吧。We throw away too much rubbish.

垃圾处置是否合适?Is rubbish disposed of properly?

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他哄骗我们购买毫无价值的东西。He gulled us into buying rubbish.

此处禁倒垃圾。No rubbish to be tipped out here.

那谣言简直是一派胡言乱语.That rumor is a bunch of rubbish.

他被骗买了废物。He was gulled into buying rubbish.

到处都是碎石和垃圾。Rubble and rubbish lie everywhere.

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垃圾发出一阵臭味。The rubbish gave out a smelly gas.

他们用垃圾填坑。They filled the hole with rubbish.

正在把垃圾倒进拉圾箱。H is putting the rubbish in the bin.