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到目前为止,克利夫顿市今年总共发放了3756张养犬许可证。Clifton has issued 3,756 dog licenses this year.

到目前为止,克利夫顿市今年总共发放了3756张养犬许可证。Clifton has issued 3, 756 dog licenses this year.

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我的妈妈是Irene,爸爸是Cliff,哥哥是。Clifton Irene B West, Cliff and Clifton Lincoln West.

克利夫顿劳伦斯从椅子上站起身来,开始踱步。Clifton lawrence rose from his chair and began to pace.

关于克利夫顿·劳伦斯的笑话明天一定会传遍全城。Tomorrow Clifton lawrence's stories were going to be told all over town.

在城市及克利夫顿两个校区内提供学生全天24小时的网络服务与支持。Resource rooms at both the City and Clifton campuses are available 24 hours a day.

克里夫顿·斯托的暴力和恐怖行为在花言巧语中消失,并完全被搁置一边。Clifton Straw's violence and terrorism disappeared in that puff of rhetoric, utterly overlooked.

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尹立崇在加利福尼亚出生,7岁起至高中毕业随家人住在中国。Clifton was born in California but lived with his family in China from age 7 until high school graduation.

我攀登克利夫顿峡湾的岩石,对周围环境写生,渐渐恢复了体力。I recovered my strength by clambering about the rocks of the Clifton Gorge and making sketches of the environs.

克利夫顿.亚当斯的这张美丽的照片是背光拍摄的,在这三名爱尔兰小女孩头部产生了晕轮的效果。This charming photograph by Clifton Adams is backlit, causing a halo effect around the heads of the three Irish girls.

尼亚加拉赌场以及令人兴奋的克利夫顿山距离酒店也都只有几步之遥。The Skylon Tower as well as the shops, restaurants and entertainment options of Clifton Hill are also easily accessible.

来自加州首府萨克拉门托的尹立崇是美国共和党最年轻的华裔代表。Clifton L. Yin of Sacramento, capital city of the state of California, is the youngest Chinese-American Republican delegate.

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而像大西洋沿海的坎普斯湾海滩、克里夫顿海滩、兰蒂德诺海滩这些新潮时尚的海滩都是世界闻名。The trendy beaches of Camps Bay, Clifton and Llandudno along the Atlantic Seaboard are right up there with the best in the world.

吃约克郡布丁也经常成为美食比赛的主要项目。2006年5月在北约克郡的克利夫顿,参赛者们一次吃掉了近400个布丁。Yorkshire puddings are often the subject of eating feats and in May 2006 in Clifton West Yorkshire 400 were eaten in one sitting.

具说当时约有200人聚集在这所印度特色的教堂内做祷告,接近响午时,武装人开枪射击。Some 200 people reportedly were inside the Asian Indian house of worship in Clifton . And the gunman opened fire just before noon.

我可以说,我为克利夫顿大桥所做的成功设计中,桥梁跨度居世界历史上架桥之最。And I might say that my winning design for the Clifton Bridge involved a span longer than any built in the history of the known world!

随着尸体不断被发现,盖斯威尔警察局长维兰·克利夫顿向中央情报局、弗罗里达公路巡逻队和其他机构请求帮助。As the body count rose, Gainesville Police Chief Wayland Clifton called for help from the FBI, the Florida Highway Patrol and other agencies.

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他还强调了军事领导体系对总统发表命令执行决策的重要性。He also emphasized the importance of military leadership respecting the orders of the president and executing his decision.” Clifton quoted the general

当我得知布里斯托尔的商家希望在克利夫顿峡谷上建一座桥并招集桥梁设计方案时,这一次经历就将被证明是非常宝贵的。This was to prove a golden experience when it was known that the merchants of Bristol wished to have a bridge built across the Clifton Gorge and invited designs for it.

克利夫顿流体动力公司,专门致力于生产液压机。自1981年以来,一直向各个行业设计和提供可靠的液压机。Clifton Fluid Power, dedicated exclusively to manufacturing hydraulic presses, has been designing and providing dependable hydraulic presses to the industries since 1981.