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他们被禁止成立工会。They were forbidden to unionize.

使商店售货员组织工会是很困难的。It is hard to unionize shop assistants.

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我们不许有人进入我们的工厂并在工人中组织工会。We don't allow people to come into our plant and try to unionize the workers.

社会主义的联盟暴徒们想要掀起一次蜗牛打抗议的活动!The socialist union thugs will want to unionize the snails for crying-out-loud!

中华全国总工会要求麦当劳公司调整其公司水平,并建议麦当劳员工成立工会。The All-China Federation of Trade Unions called on McDonald's to adjust its pay and let its workers unionize.

阻抗控制能够实现位移与力的统一控制,是实现柔顺力控制的主要理论依据之一。The unionize control of position and force can be realized by impedance control, which is one of main compliant force control theory.

指出名片艺术设计不但要在形式感、功能性上做到良好,还要在内容与形式上做到统一。In this chapter, the paper points out that card art design not only be good on form and function, but also unionize at content and form.

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太极是用来统一阴阳、五行观念的最高范畴,它既是自然的本体,又是自然的存在样式。Taiji, which is not only the nature noumenon but also the nature modality, is the tiptop category to unionize the idea of Yinyang and Wuxing.

我省公路工程造价管理运行机制实行统一领导、分级管理的原则,是公平、公正、平行、合理的管理机制。The management run system is follow unionize lead and classification manage tenet, and fair, impartiality, parallel and logical in our province.

我们支持富士康受害者和员工的权力,发声、组织工会、并争取稳定改革。"We support Foxconn victims' and employees' right to voice and unionize in their workplaces, and to strive for progressive reforms, " the group said.

这一次的主要障碍是一个由共和党参议员和民航业谋求建立的法案条款,它可以使得民航和铁路工人更加难以加入工会组织。But this time the main obstacle is a provision sought by House Republicans and the airline industry that would make it more difficult for airline and railroad workers to unionize.

把农民工组织起来是落实我党“全心全意依靠工人阶级”的重要措施,也是构建和谐社会的需要。To unionize migrant workers is an important measure to implement the Party"s principle of "Relying on working class wholeheartedly" and also a need for building a harmonious society.

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联邦法律在许多情况下允许联邦雇员组建工会,但是按照通常的说法,禁止他们“违背公共利益”举行罢工,因此这次罢工是非法的。The strike was illegal, as federal employees were by law permitted in many cases to unionize but prohibited from striking “against the public interest,” as the commonly used phrase went.

总工会官员表示他们现在的举措主要针对的还是国际企业,但事实上在制造业中中国企业才是占了大多数的主力部队,他们同样将被审查并要求设立工会。Union officials say they are focusing on global companies, but Chinese companies make up the bulk of the manufacturing work force and they are also expected to face audits and pressure to unionize.