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这几天蒲萄很便宜。Grape is cheap these days.

这葡萄有酸味。The grape has a sour taste.

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这葡萄熟得很晚。This grape ripens very late.

羊肉大米菜叶包是用葡萄叶做的。Dolmades are stuffed grape leaves.

家家户户的院子里,也都盖满了葡萄。Each courtyard had a grape trellis.

噢,好大一片葡萄架子呀!Wow, what a sprawling grape trellis!

葡萄籽萃取物对血压有益?Grape Seed Extract for Blood Pressure?

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葡萄味甘酸,性平。Grape flavour is acerbity, sexual flat.

葡萄确是个憨呼呼的村姑。Grape is indeed a simple-hearted woman.

葡萄藤在花园小路上方形成了拱形。Grape vines overarched the garden path.

葡萄藤沿墙攀缘而上。The grape vine climbed up along the wall.

葡萄和公公进行了一场对话。A discussion between Grape and Lee begins.

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吃猪肝,不吃葡萄皮。People eat pig liver, but not grape skins.

葡萄树站在那儿成为行行直线。The grape tree stood here and became lines.

我喜欢所有的水果,就是不喜欢葡萄。I like all fruits with the exception of grape.

这可是伊犁有名的力札玛特儿。They are the well-known Lizhamat Grape of Ili.

候补名称为代表处葡萄在西班牙。Alternate name for the Grenache grape in Spain.

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它是酿制巴罗洛和巴芭罗斯克葡萄酒的基本成分。It is the grape of Barolo and Barbaresco wines.

一种葡萄品种,果实甜美,色泽微红。A variety of grape having sweet, light red fruit.

紫葡萄是很好的补血水果。The purple grape is very good for blood and fruit.