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寻查师一定找得到工作。A finder can always find work.

我们知道如果我们再次运行Finder程序。We know if we relaunch the Finder.

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阿迪搜索是一个自由人的搜索引擎。Addy Finder is a Free people search engine.

雪豹搜索是一个不同的野兽。Snow Leopard's Finder is a different beast.

钱原封未动地被捡拾者送还。The money was returned intact by its finder.

这就是定制查找器助手的用武之地。This is where custom finder helpers come in.

甚高频测向器?。VDF? Very – high – frequency Direction Finder?

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人若爱找茬儿,天堂也能被他挑出毛病。The fault finder will find faults even in paradise.

这个探鱼器可以在冰上钓鱼吗?Can this fish finder unit also work when ice fishing?

寻北仪是一种采用惯性工作原理的方位指示仪器。North finder is a kind of autonomous azimuth indicator.

这位拾金不昧的好人还希望能保持匿名。The extremely honest finder wished to remain anonymous.

测距仪相机不适合低光情况良好。Range finder cameras are not good for low-light situations.

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现在我有了后测试版本的完全数查找程序。Now I have a test-after version of the perfect-number finder.

我正在校准无线电测向仪或校正指南针。I am calibrating radio direction finder or adjusting compasses.

介绍了光学测距器的功能和原理。The principle and function of optical range finder are described.

这样的话,整个搜索器不会因为一个条目而失败。It's undesirable for an entire finder to fail because of one item.

电子取景器清晰度还无法和光学取景器相比。Electronic viewfinders cannot match the clarity of a good optical finder

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他回答说他正在用销钉定位器给墙壁装定位销。He replied that he was locating the studs in the wall with a stud finder.

最大测程是反映脉冲激光测距机性能优劣的主要参数之一。Maximum range is one of the major parameters of pulse laser range finder.

启动程式,卸载软体,安全删除文件,查找空目录等。Other features include secure file deletion, an EmptyFolder finder and more.