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1915年,德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿飓风Galveston Hurricane, Texas, 1915

据预报飓风眼今晚或明晨将抵达加二维斯顿。Ike's eye was forecast to strike near Galveston late tonight or early tomorrow.

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紧接宇航中心东南方的是克里尔湖,加尔维斯顿港区入口。Clear Lake, an inlet of Galveston Bay, is located to the immediate southeast of JSC.

每到周日,他就会协助指导德克萨斯A&M大学加尔维斯顿校区的航行队。On Sundays, he assistant-coached the sailing team for Texas A&M University at Galveston.

“这是要让它变得更坏,因为这里的工作是在加尔维斯顿走了,”拉特利奇说。It is going to make it much worse here because the jobs in Galveston are gone, " Rutledge said."

庆祝由第二年开始,在盖维斯顿市开始,之后遍及德克萨斯州。Celebrations began the following year, first in Galveston and then throughout the state of Texas.

当地人称此次未命名的飓风为特大风暴。Known by locals as the Great Storm, this unnamed hurricane hit Galveston with winds up to 135 m.p.h.

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拉波特美国得克萨斯州东南部的一座城市,位于加尔维斯顿海湾和休斯敦东部。是一个著名的避暑胜地。人口16836。A city of southeast texas on galveston bay east of houston . it is a popular summer resort. Population 16836.

美国维斯顿县一名被指一周前袭击妇女而入狱的男子自称是吸血鬼。A man claiming to be a vampire was in the Galveston County jail today after attacking a woman over the weekend.

加尔威斯顿东部一户户房屋都被摧毁了,居民已经排队等待领取食物、水和冰块。Home after home has been destroyed here, just east of Galveston. Residents have been lining up for food, water and ice.

这手稿总结惯例在烧伤在施里纳布恩斯医院关心和布洛科尔燃烧单位在加尔维斯顿TX的人员。This manuscript summarizes the staff practices in burn care at the Shriners Burns Hospital and Blocker Burn Unit in Galveston TX.

加尔维斯湾上月发现的儿童尸体被确定是莱丽,DNA检测正在进行中。A body found last month in Galveston Bay is believed to be that of the little girl, Riley Ann Sawyers, though DNA tests are pending.

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在经受了1900年毁灭性飓风之后15年,就在易受大西洋飓风攻击的地方,加尔维斯顿再次受到猛烈打击。Right in the line of fire for Atlantic hurricanes, Galveston was slammed again 15 years after enduring the devastating 1900 hurricane.

美国得克萨斯州东南部的一座城市,位于休斯敦东南偏南,在加尔维斯顿岛上的加尔维斯顿湾的入口处,在墨西哥湾的臂湾中。A city of southeast Texas south-southeast of Houston on Galveston Island at the entrance to Galveston Bay, an arm of the Gulf of Mexico.

该中心的风暴是位于160英里东南偏南的拉法耶特,路易斯安那州,及约二百六十五英里东南偏东加尔维斯顿上午10时在本地时间。The center of the storm was located about 160 miles south- southeast of Lafayette, Louisiana, and about 265 miles east- southeast of Galveston at 10 am local time.

佩里州长高度赞扬了加尔维斯顿和其他沿岸地区成千上万居民在风暴来临之前,成功、有序地转移到了其他地区。Governor Perry hailed the pre-storm evacuation process in which hundreds-of-thousands of people left Galveston and other coastal areas in an orderly fashion days before the storm.

他的选票通过安全电邮连接“旅行”到休斯敦宇航任务控制中心,随后转到德克萨斯州加尔维斯顿县的选举办公室,加尔维斯顿县是焦立中通常居住的地方。His ballot traveled via a secure e-mail connection to Mission Control in Houston, which forwarded it to the Galveston County clerk's office in Texas, where Chiao normally resides.

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由于阳光的照射或者是因为反射在国际空间站探测器镜头上的反光,克里尔湖和加尔维斯顿港都显示为银灰色,水平如镜。Both Clear Lake and Galveston Bay appear silver-grey due to sunglint, or light reflected back towards the observer on the ISS that gives the water surface a mirror-like appearance.

虽然休斯敦并未像加尔维斯顿那样受到风暴的正面袭击,但“埃克”仍旧摧毁了该市的抽水系统,其破坏程度足以对整个卫生保健系统造成威胁。While Houston did not take the brunt of the storm the way Galveston did, Ike did knock out the city’s water pumping systems, and that was sufficient to threaten the whole health-care system.

加尔维斯敦的警察局长海耶斯表示,班斯利被人发现时仅穿著四角平口内裤,在一处停车场中嚎叫并发出嘶吼声。Found growling and hissing in a parking lot and wearing only boxer shorts, the pierced and tattooed Bensley claimed he was a 500-year-old vampire who needed to "feed, " Galveston Police Capt.