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爱你的敌人。Love your enemy.

了解你的敌人。Know thine enemy.

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谁是你的敌手?Who is your enemy?

而敌人正是一只熊猫。The enemy is a panda.

一个敌人已嫌多。One enemy is too much.

明暗反差大是照片的大敌。Contrast is your enemy.

距离是你的敌人。Distance is your enemy.

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现在他们有了一个敌人。Now they have an enemy.

注意敌人的铂条干扰。Be wary of enemy chaffs.

敌人丢盔弃甲地跑了。The enemy fled pellmell.

我们攻击我们的敌人。We began upon our enemy.

钱财生嫌隙,朋友化仇敌。Money make friends enemy.

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耐莉是我们暗藏的敌人。Nelly is my hidden enemy.

敌人缩回去了。The enemy has drawn back.

他们称我为敌人。They called me the enemy.

一个“敌台”就这样老去。An "enemy units, " so old.

求神降祸给敌人。Gave comfort to the enemy.

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他是杰克不共戴天的敌人。He was Jack's sworn enemy.

我把她看作是我的敌人。I considered her my enemy.

她叛变投敌了。She defected to the enemy.