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伦纳德亲吻着她。Leonard was kissing her.

出版哈尔伦纳德。Published by Hal Leonard.

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象伦纳德的声音吗?Did it sound like Leonard?

伦纳德死死盯着她。Leonard stared back at her.

我希望许格·雷·李纳能赢。I hope Sugar Ray Leonard wins.

这根本和死亡无关,伦纳德。This isn’t about death, Leonard.

“我是在用洗衣机,”伦纳德说。“I use the washer, ” Leonard said.

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从许多方面说来,他都是吴尔芙的呵护者。In many ways, Leonard was Woolf's caretaker.

由布龙菲尔德首先提出来。It was first suggested by Leonard Bloomfield.

低音的CD。雅马哈。仅CD。出版哈尔伦纳德。Bass CD. Yamaha. CD only. Published by Hal Leonard.

马刺不需要伦纳德成为下一个布鲁斯鲍文。The Spurs don't need Leonard to become Bruce Bowen.

她的丈夫伦纳德。兰戴现任公司名誉主席。Leonard Lauder is now chairman emeritus of the company.

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伦纳德想起来的时候,就会把它搬到阳光下。Leonard moved it into the sun whenever he remembered to.

起初,伦纳德挺喜欢住在她的公寓楼里。At first, Leonard had liked staying at her apartment building.

每当他俩在一起时,伦纳德都会把全部注意力放在她身上。Whenever she was with him, Leonard gave her his full attention.

这都让影评人伦纳德·莫丁产生了一个问题。All of this makes Leonard Maltin, a film critic, ask a question.

本文主要探讨的就是伦纳德·巴斯特的异化。The current paper mainly focuses on the alienation of Leonard Bast.

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脆弱的心灵应当惧于涉足莱昂纳德·科恩的歌曲。The weak of heart should fear to tread in the Leonard Cohen songbook.

他告诉我他的父亲莱昂纳多-理查德-杰内森1909年生于纽约。He told me that his father, Leonard Richard Generson, was born in 1909.

伦纳德在温室里悠然自得地给西红柿绑上撑杆。Leonard pottered round the greenhouse, tying up canes for the tomatoes.