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齿轮箱。Gear box.

糖果盒?Candy box?

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在那玩具盒里面吗?In the toy box?

在你的玩具箱里吗?In the toy box ?

准备一个零食盒。Have a treat box.

把箱子放在这里。Put the box here.

那是你的箱女。This is your box.

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在玩具箱里面吗?不在!In the toy box?No!

这个盒子很矮。This box is short.

那箱女是你的。This box is yours.

我需要一个纸盒子。I need a paper box.

我要给这个箱子盖上盖儿。I will top the box.

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这是个音乐盒。It was a music box.

就把它放在箱子里吧。Keep it in the box.

咱们把箱子搬开吧。Let's move the box.

这个盒子是方的。This box is square.

一艘船在这个盒子里面。A boat is in the box.

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他将盒盖拿掉。He uncovered the box.

想找个保鲜盒。I want to find a box.

我把这个式子圈起来So let me draw a box.