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照片在三角Shirtwaist公司机构。Picture of bodies at the Triangle Shirtwaist Company.

三角内衣厂的门只向内开。The doors in the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory only opened inward.

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在三角内衣厂,有些门被锁上了。At the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory, some of the doors were locked.

他的太太叫他去纽约时给她买件衫裙。His wife asked him to purchase a shirtwaist for her while in New York.

三角内衣厂火灾依然是美国历史的转折点。The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire remains as a turning point in US history.

她身穿着蓝白色的条纹裙子,人们那时叫做衬衫式衣裙。She`s wearing a blue-and-white striped dress, what they called a shirtwaist back then.

罩衫外是一件整洁利落的夹克衫,袖子只到肘部,袖子下面她戴着一副仿小羊皮的手套。Over the shirtwaist was a natty jacket, elbow-sleeved, and to the elbows she wore gloves of imitation suede.

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她的白罩衫前面缀着蕾丝做的百褶边,被一枚夸张的仿珊瑚大别针束住。On her white shirtwaist was a pleated jabot of cheap lace, caught with a large novelty pin of imitation coral.

三角公司的大火使类似国际服装女工联盟这样的工会联合组织紧密团结,凝聚力量。The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire helped to solidify support for workers' unions like the International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union.

约翰·珀金斯的右手边放着一张椅子,椅背上放着凯蒂蓝色的仿男式女衬衫,衬衫仍然保留有她的几分轮廓。Near the right hand of John Perkins stood a chair. On the back of it stood Katy's blue shirtwaist. It still retained something of her contour.

1911年的三角内衣厂火灾依然是改变了美国工会和劳动法的最生动也最恐怖的悲剧。The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 still remains one of the most vivid and horrid tragedies that changed American Labor Unions and labor laws.

裙子上头用一件白色的系带紧身罩着,头上戴一顶水手帽子,四周镶着一圈白色的面纱,可以随时放下来蒙脸。She wore the skirt of this with a white shirtwaist , and a sailor hat with a white veil wound around it in such fashion that it could be easily drawn over her face.

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三角内衣厂的女孩只有27桶救命水,而今管理工作场所环境的法律有很多。The girls of the Triangle Shirtwaist Company only had 27 buckets of water to save themselves from the fire. Today there are many laws that govern the condition of workplaces.