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嗉囊与砂囊可明显区分。The craw and gizzard could be defined.

从这里再转移到肌肉质的砂囊。From here it travels to the muscular gizzard.

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一只大型科多的胃能够容纳单一一只小型生物。Large kodo's gizzard can hold a single Small creature.

我们使用Gizzard库来处理数据分块层。We use the Gizzard library to handle the partitioning layer.

但是那个屠夫正在甲板上等着要撕裂我的喉咙。But that but cher was waiting on the dock to slice my gizzard.

鸭子的翅膀、脚爪、颈、肫是人们喜爱的特色食物,将其四样放在一起加工成鸭四宝罐头,风味独特。The wing, sole, neck and gizzard of duck are the food which ale liked by all the people.

鸭子的翅膀、脚爪、颈、肫是人们喜爱的特色食物,将其四样放在一起加工成鸭四宝罐头,风味独特。The wing, sole, neck and gizzard of duck are the food which are liked by all the people.

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鸭肫干是南京人馈赠亲友的珍品,也是佐餐、喝茶的佳品。Nanjing man is dried duck gizzard relatives and friends, and also the curiosa of tea table,.

消化器官,胃,中肠,砂囊一种中空的消化器官,尤指某些昆虫的胃或者鸟的砂囊。A hollow digestive organ, especially the stomach of certain insects or the gizzard of a bird.

玉米花粉肌动蛋白可与兔抗鸡胃肌动蛋白抗血清产生免疫沉淀反应。Corn pollen actin has cross reaction with the antiserum of rabbit against chicken gizzard actin.

成千上万条死亡的鲱鱼被海浪冲到了芝加哥港湾,而在加利福利亚洲的高速公路旁,有人发现了超过100只鸟类“横尸遍野”的惨象。Thousands of gizzard shad fish have been washed up on Chicago's harbours while more than 100 dead

我发觉老婆肚子里藏着什么鬼胎,只在等候一个受到刺激的机会好把它发泄出来。I find my wife has something in her gizzard that only wants an opportunity of being provoked to bring it up.

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肫肉紧韧耐嚼,滋味悠长,无油腻之感,是老少皆喜爱的佳肴珍品。Gizzard meat tight firmware chewy, long, without greasy feeling, is the favorite delicacies curiosa of all ages.

前胃鸟类胃的一部分,分泌消化酶,把食物从嗉囊排到胗。The division of the stomach in birds that secretes digestive enzymes and passes food from the crop to the gizzard.

胚重、肝脏重、肌胃重、肠重、胫骨长随胚龄的增大而增加。Embryo weight, liver weight, gizzard weight, intestines weight and shin length increased with increasing of chick embryo age.

前肠节肢动物或环节动物的消化道的第一部分,包括口腔、食管、嗉囊和砂囊。The first part of the alimentary canal of an arthropod or annelid which includes the buccal cavity esophagus crop and gizzard.

鸭胗是鸭的肌胃,完全由环行平滑肌组成,具有很好的营养价值和经济价值。Duck gizzard is the muscle stomach composed entirely of circular smooth muscle which has good nutritional value and economic value.

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成千上万条死亡的鲱鱼被海浪冲到了芝加哥港湾,而在加利福利亚洲的高速公路旁,有人发现了超过100只鸟类“横尸遍野”的惨象。Thousands of gizzard shad fish have been washed up on Chicago's harbours while more than 100 dead birds have been found clustered on a California highway.

本文介绍了洪泽湖风味野鸭肫的生产工艺和相关参数,并详述了各工序的操作要点,使其能够满足工厂化的生产要求。This paper introduce the processing technology and the correlative parameters about the wild duck gizzard of Hongze Lake and the critic control point of the manipulation.

鸭血粉丝的汤是用鸭骨头熬出来的,鸭血像豆腐一样一块一块的,还有炸过的冻豆腐和一些鸭子的内脏,如鸭肝、鸭胗等。In a bowl of duck-bone stock, duck blood is presented in beancurd-like cubes together with vermicelli, fried firm bean curd and bits of duck organs, such as liver and gizzard.