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战争榨干了原本繁荣的亚美尼亚经济。The war has bled the once-strong Armenian economy dry.

亚美尼亚德拉姆对美元的汇率已跌去三分之一强。The Armenian dram has lost over a third of its value against the dollar.

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该班机由伊朗首都德黑兰飞往亚美尼亚首都埃里温。The aircraft was traveling from Tehran to the Armenian capital of Yerevan.

亚美尼亚语和土耳其语在少数亚美尼亚人和土耳其人中使用。Armenian and Turkic are spoken among the small Armenian and Turkoman populations.

中国重型汽车集团有限公司正在积极开拓亚美尼亚市场。China's heavy automobile group Co. , LTD is actively explore the Armenian market.

该j俄罗斯制造的图波列夫飞机按计划飞往亚美尼亚首都埃里温。The Russian-built Tupolev plane had been on its way to the Armenian capital, Yerevan.

亚美尼亚重骑兵属于雇佣部队,以西方骑兵风格作战,装备骑枪和重型链甲。Armenian mercenaries equipped in a western style, armed with lances and protected by mail.

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这个故事刊登在亚美尼亚报章上,后来又在心灵鸡汤这本书中出现。This story appeared in the Armenian press and later in the book Chicken Soup for the Soul.

马龙礼仪和亚美尼亚礼仪,两者都因地理关系,相对的隔离发展。The Maronite and Armenian Rites, both developed in relative isolation because of geography.

“我打赌就是亚美尼亚政府,”尼古拉说,“军方就能彻底控制她了。”"My bet is on the Armenian government, " said Nikolai."Put her in charge of their military."

他们计划在参加匈牙利比赛之前和亚美尼亚柔道队一起训练。They were planning to train with the Armenian judo team before attending competitions in Hungary.

优素福·卡什1908年出生于亚美尼亚,在对亚美尼亚人的恐怖仇杀中长大。Yousuf Karsh was born in Armenia in 1908 and grew up under the horrors of the Armenian massacres.

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亚美尼亚官员说,过去15年来反应堆的修护已使得核电站变得更安全了。Armenian officials say modifications made to the reactor over the past 15 years have made it safer.

一个亚美尼亚的走钢丝者用他的平衡杆保持平衡,准备玩一场把戏。An Armenian tightrope walker steadies himself with his balance pole as he prepared to perform a trick.

许多当地的亚美尼亚军队从事佣兵生涯为金钱效命。Many Armenian troops from there earn their living as mercenaries fighting for anyone who can pay them.

官方语言是阿拉伯语,此外,法语,英语和亚美尼亚语也被广泛使用。The official language for Lebanon is Arabic while French, English and Armenian are also commonly used.

“卡拉培特”,一位美国移民,是也很不错的牌手,但是一度极不走运,通常是老爹的搭档。Karapet', an Armenian expatriate and a fine player but the unluckiest one ever, usually Papa's partner.

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亚美尼亚和阿塞拜疆军队在有争议的纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区存在一些冲突。There were also clashes between Armenian and Azerbaijani forces in the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region.

据说他被亚美尼亚国王阿斯提亚格斯下令剥皮砍头而死。He was supposedly martyred at the command of the Armenian king Astyages, who had him flayed and beheaded.

最后,让我们看看亚美尼亚的养蜂人是怎么制造出世界上最美味最健康的食物——蜂蜜的。Now let's learn how Armenian bee-keepers get one of the most tasty and healthy products on Earth – honey.