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他说,如果这些加工厂试图停止生产,他将无偿没收。If they try to stop production he said, I’ll expropriate them and pay nothing.

另一种流行的赚钱方式是一些“贪婪”的王子从平民那征用土地。Another popular money-making scheme saw some "greedy princes" expropriate land from commoners.

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那时候一无所有的工人最终会奋起抗争并剥夺有钱的剥夺者的财富。And then the masses of impoverished workers would finally rebel and expropriate the riches of the wealthy proprietors.

第五条市政府为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征用。The Municipal Government may, in line with public interest requirements, expropriate land in accordance with legal provisions.

如果5年后的土地拥有人没有细分,使用或建立在土地,市政当局可以征用土地的一部分。If after 5 years the land owner has not subdivided, used or build on a parcel of land, the municipality can expropriate the land.

征收一群普通公民的土地比征收国会议员或银行所有者好。It is better to expropriate land from a thousand of simple citizens than from one member of the Parliament or from one bank-owner.

国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对土地实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over land for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law.

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大股东采用各种手段掏空上市公司,掠夺中小股东利益,对上市公司和我国证券市场的健康发展都带来了极大的危害。Through various ways such as self-dealing transaction, the gigantic shareholders expropriate the dividend of small and medium-sized ones.

“我们是革委会代表,我们有征用此宅的权利,”其中一个留着浓密的络腮胡的矮胖护卫叫道。"We are agents of the Committee, and we have a warrant to expropriate this house, " announced one of the guards, a short and plump man with a heavy black beard.

这些作者指出,愈演愈烈的收入不公会造成政治不稳定,这样就会促使政府在未来通过征收重税来剥夺财富。The authors point out that rising inequality is a destabilising political force, which may encourage future governments to expropriate wealth through heavy taxation.

国家为了公共利益的需要,可以依照法律规定对公民的私有财产实行征收或者征用并给予补偿。" and " The state may, for the public interest, expropriate or take over private property of citizens for public use, and pay compensation in accordance with the law.

因浅层气藏具有埋藏浅、易于开发和经济高效的特点,越来越吸引着勘探家们的目光。Nowadays, shallow layer gas reservoir is attracting gradually the expropriators' sight, because it is shallow, and it is easy and economical to expropriate and develop.

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财产权是公民的一项基本权利,为了公共利益,公权力可依法对其进行剥夺和限制,但应有适当的行政补偿。Propertyrights is a fundamental civil rights, for the common interests, public power can expropriate and limit it by law, but it should be given administrative compensation.

一年后,不等他实施没收,她开始变卖他们母亲名下的财产牛,据说,他谴责她是“反革命蠕虫”。A year later, he reportedly denounced her as a "counter-revolutionary worm" after she started selling off the cattle on their mother's estate before he could expropriate the land.

为了减少没收的诱惑在高价格、低点球州,采矿权分配主要是国内投资者,将外商直接投资对等非资源领域。In order to reduce the temptation to expropriate in high price, low penalty states, mineral rights are allocated predominantly to domestic investors, shifting FDI to the non-resource sector.

为了实行这样一个计划,我们必须打破大企业对国家财富的控制并没收大银行和金融机构使之纳入工人的控制中。To implement such a programme, we have to break the control of big business over the wealth of our countries and expropriate the large banks and financial institutions under workers' control.

产权上的分析表明剩余控制权与剩余索取权的不对称安排为大股东的侵害提供了可行空间。Analyses in property rightindicate that dissymmetry between residual claim rights and residual rights of control offers controlling shareholders an opportunity to expropriate minority shareholders.

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瓦尔吉斯·东布罗夫斯基斯总理反对本国开支削减受其国际债权国管制,并已出台一项允许部分没收国外银行贷款登记簿的新法律。The prime minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, is refusing to make the spending cuts mandated by international lenders and has floated a new law that would partially expropriate foreign banks' loan books.

瓦尔吉斯·东布罗夫斯基斯总理反对本国开支削减受其国际债权国管制,并已出台一项允许部分没收国外银行贷款登记簿的新法律。The prime minister, Valdis Dombrovskis, is refusing to make the spending cuts mandated by international lenders and has floated a new law that would partially expropriate foreign banks’ loan books.