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这时阿格斯突然出现,瞧见了他们。Then Argus appeared and saw them.

但是希拉想要为阿格斯的死处罚爱娥。But Hera wanted to punish her for Argus 'death.

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她知道因为爱娥,阿格斯才会被杀。She knew that because of Io Argus had been killed.

白天,阿格斯喂她许多食物和水。During the day Argus gave her lots of food and water.

阿格斯听到笛声,很高兴地停下来听。Argus heard the pipes and stopped to listen with delight.

最后,赫密斯说故事时,阿格斯开始入睡了。Finally, as Hermes was telling his story, Argus began to sleep.

赫拉便将牛犊托付给百眼魔鬼阿刚斯看管。Then she left the cow to the care of a hundred eyed monster, Argus.

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赫密斯希望音乐能让阿格斯入眠,但他并未睡着。Hermes hoped that the music would put Argus to sleep, but it didn't.

所以,澳科思公司成为在中国享有盛名的高科技天线公司。So that Argus becomes a well know high-tech Antenna Company in China.

一条大概五十公分长的乌鳢在我家附近的河流。Channa argus A big Snakehead, about 50 cm long lives in the river nearby.

阿刚斯是个有100只眼睛的看守,他能看到头顶上一圈的任何东西。Argus was a watchman with a hundred eyes, set in a circle all around his head.

阿刚斯看守的东西偷走是不容易的。So it could not have been easy to steal away anything that Argus was watching.

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对黄花泡乌鳢个体繁殖力进行了研究。The individual fertility of Ophiocephalus argus were studied in Huanghua Lake.

朱庇特见到情人受苦,很是伤心,打发墨丘利去除掉阿尔戈斯。Jupiter, grieved by the sufferings of his mistress, sent Mercury to dispatch ARGUS.

斑鳢比乌鳢更具应用价值和开发前景。Channa maculate have more applying value and developing foreground thanchanna argus.

“世昌”号类似英国海军“百眼巨人”航空训练舰的一个减缩版本。Shichang resembles a scaled-down version of the Royal Navy's Argus aviation training ship.

象火刃、阿古斯复苏和灼热之刃这样的组织,都是议会的工具。Groups like the Burning Blade, the Argus Wake, and the Searing Blade are tools of the Council.

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对两种鲈形目鱼类黄斑篮子鱼和金钱鱼的鳃结构进行扫描电镜观察。Siganus oramin and Butterfish Scatophagus argus were observed by scanning electron microscopy.

据路透社5月17日报道,美童子军组织的女发言人拉拉·费舍尔日前表示,在过去的35年里,该组织一直将这艘由丹麦制造且被命名为阿尔戈斯号的帆船当做一个海上浮动教室来使用。For the past 35 years, the Boy Scouts have used the Danish-built Argus as a floating classroom.

阿古斯复苏是暗影议会下的一个神秘组织,他们与奥特兰克的辛迪加有所勾结。The Argus Wake are a mysterious group of the Shadow Council allied to the Syndicate in Alterac.