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在过去由黑社会说了算的建筑行业也是一样。Same thing in construction, which used to be dominated by yakuza.

他每个月都向黑帮交纳保护费。Mr. Lee pays the yakuza a monthly protection fee for the privilege.

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他认为黑帮在日本社会中起着重要作用。Mr. Agata believes the yakuza have a useful place in Japanese society.

纹身,在日文中称入墨,每个人的纹身都有着不同的含义。All yakuza tattoos, known as irezumi in Japan, are imbued with personal meaning.

所以,最大的问题就是,黑帮暴徒在续集中会是怎样的死法?So, really, one of the big question is, how yakuza will be killed in this sequel?

黑帮的经常将这种理念归纳为“帮助弱者,制服强者”。The yakuza often simplify it as “to help the weak and fight the strong, ” in theory.

此外,我们的消息来源称,世嘉可能瘪三5版本为PS维塔工作。Further, our source says Sega may be working on a version of Yakuza 5 for the PS Vita.

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当然,大部分的黑帮只是有组织的反社会者,他们只需耍耍嘴皮子就能拿到钱。Of course, most yakuza are just tribal sociopaths who merely pay lip service to the words.

事实上,他说,黑社会和合法的商业世界之间已经没有分界线了。In fact, he says, there is no longer any dividing line between the legal financial world and yakuza.

自由作家铃木为黑帮题材的暴力漫画写剧本。Freelance writer Tomohiko Suzuki writes manga comics about the real-life exploits of yakuza gangsters.

近藤龙也是一名浸礼会传教士,他致力于帮助年轻人摆脱黑帮。Shindo is now a Baptist Lay Preacher, and tries to help young people find their way out of the yakuza.

在以前,组织向服刑的帮派成员许诺他们出狱后会得到晋升。Back in the day, yakuza were promised a higher position in the organization once they came out of prison.

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这被看做是对民主的攻击,政府正式对暴力团宣战。Considered an attack against democracy, the assassination caused the government to _declarewar on the yakuza.

这被看做是对民主的攻击,政府正式对暴力团宣战。Considered an attack against democracy, the assassination caused the government to declare war on the yakuza.

第二次世界大战后,中国和韩国黑帮在日本横行霸道,政府借助暴力团打压他们。After World War II, the government used the yakuza to fight Chinese and Korean gangs rampaging in the country.

在媒体报道中,黑帮正发展壮大,事实却恰好相反,他说。In the media, yakuza are portrayed as getting stronger and richer, but the opposite is actually true, he said.

唯一需要担忧的是黑社会,和受贿的警察不会采取任何行动。The only reason they are worried is thatthe Yakuza and the Cops on the take are not getting a piece of the action.

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暴力团迅速开展救援行动,向灾区提供救灾物资,甚至动用了直升飞机。Yakuza swooped in, even using a helicopter, and provided disaster relief while the authorities were dillydallying around.

如果要了解这句话的真正含义,你必须了解男性主导和性别歧视的黑帮是如何定义一个“男人”的。To understand the real meaning of that you have to understand how the generally male-dominated and sexist yakuza define “a man.

“千机变“吸血鬼王子,或“江湖”的流氓团伙,每个字符的解释自然生动。Both" Qianjibian" the vampire prince, or" rivers and lakes" in the Yakuza gangs, each character interpretation of natural and vivid.