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那个女孩可不赶时髦。That girl is not a swinger.

当年,我自己也是“荡桦树“的能手。So was I once myself a swinger of birches.

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达娜在她年轻的时候是一个完全放荡不羁的人。Dana was a real swinger in her younger years.

人能做的事,比荡白桦树好不到哪去。One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.

比“荡桦树“更没有意思的事,可有的是。One could do worse than be a swinger of birches.

在他身上你很难看到三十年前他是何等招摇。You can hardly recognize in him the swinger he was thirty years ago.

我过去就是这样一个荡树的孩子现在,做梦都想回到那种日子。So was I once myself a swinger of birches. And so I dream of going back to be.

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我用广角镜头使成角度为了使这已经很高的打秋千女孩似乎天一样高。I used a wide angle lens angled up in order to make this already high swinger seem sky-high.

自己找找换偶派对,或者性爱派对,或者拥抱派对,或接吻派对,亦或许凝望派对。Find yourself a swinger party. Or a sex party, or a cuddle party, or a kissing party, or an eye-gazing party.

在站台等处,不许随处走动。按照工作人员指示,顺序乘坐。No wandering on the platform. Follow the instructions of the attendant and take the swinger in orderly manager.

早期的宝丽来有一款名称极挑逗的相机“挂儿”,表面上是说,这相机有一根吊带可以挂在使用者的手上。One of the earliest was Polaroid's provocatively named camera, "The Swinger" -- ostensibly so-calledbecause of a strap that let it dangle from the user's wrist.