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彻底地测试代码。Thoroughly test the code.

我们被彻底搜查了一遍。We were searched thoroughly.

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爱丽丝感到迷惑不解。Alice was thoroughly puzzled.

他是个大好人。He's a thoroughly nice person.

全面地测试上层本体论。Test upper ontologies thoroughly

肉、鱼和蛋是蛋白质来源。The report is thoroughly sourced.

他的断然拒绝使我心灰意懒。His rebuff thoroughly deflated me.

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她说每一句话都要仔细掂量。She pondered her words thoroughly.

这本书编得极有吸引力。This book is thoroughly motivated.

她的拒绝使他的骄气大挫。Her rebuff thoroughly deflated him.

这条消息将毫无保留地公布于世。The issue will be thoroughly aired.

点画彻底消除它们。Stipple thoroughly to eliminate them.

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彻底清洁并给所有部件上油。Clean and grease all parts thoroughly.

使用后要彻底洗净冰桶。Rinse ice bucket thoroughly after use.

蜂蜜是彻头彻尾诚实的广告人。Bees are thoroughly honest advertisers.

我非常喜欢我的中国之行。I thoroughly enjoyed my visit to China.

飞机被彻底搜查了一遍。The plane has been thoroughly searched.

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但他绝对是粗心大意的人。But he is a thoroughly unreflective one.

他能把许多唐诗背得滚瓜烂熟。He memorized many Tang poems thoroughly.

OXOM和阿萨姆彻底一次。OXOM and ASSAM thoroughly one more time.