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看到我的长尾鹦鹉了吗?Have you seen my parakeet?

活泼的长尾小鹦鹉视频直播。Streaming video of Sparky the parakeet.

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我养过一只龟,弟弟养过一只长尾鹦鹉。I had a pet turtle. My brother had a parakeet.

“长嘴鹦鹉”使这些信息让使用者都可得。Parakeet makes them all available to the user.

我年轻的时候养了一只黄色小鹦鹉。I had a little yellow parakeet when I was young.

我养了一支小八哥还有一支乌龟它名叫滑行者。I also have a parakeet and a turtle named ? lider ?

而那只鹦鹉,愿上帝保佑它,有一次飞出窗外,就再也没见到影儿。And the parakeet God bless him flew out a window once never to be seen again.

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然而那只是鹦鹉,愿上帝保佑它,有一次飞出窗外,就再也没见到影儿。And the parakeet God bless him flew out a window once never to be seen again.

在这个片断中,家养马尾鹦鹉在杀了自己的配偶之后,袭击了育养它的家庭成员。In this scene, the family parakeet kills its mate and then attacks the family.

根据鹦哥鸟细咬他的衬衫的衣领,及他的夹克的翻领。From the way the parakeet nibbled the collar of his shirt and the flaps of his jacket.

他们就像矿区的长尾小鹦鹉,就像温度计反映出周围的变化。They are like the parakeet in the mine--- they are a good barometer of what's going on.

带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。In feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic age.

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带著一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。In feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic age.

带着一顶过时的羽饰帽,简直就像个侏罗纪时代的鹦鹉活化石。王室***!In feathered hats that were once the rage, she resembles a petrified parakeet from the Jurassic age.

我们在后院打开了夜灯,起动了电话答录机,盖上了我们的宠物长尾小鹦鹉,并把猫扔到后院。We turned on a night light, turned the answering machine on, covered our pet parakeet and put the cat in the backyard.

在某种意义上,“长嘴鹦鹉”做的是允许使用者看清该程序本该预测的单词与句子。In a sense, all Parakeet is doing is allowing the user to see which alternative words or sentences the program would have predicted.

居住在新加坡的鹦鹉13岁的马尼,他的主人说它可以成功预测世界杯的四分之一决赛,并预言在半决赛中西班牙将战胜德国。Mani the Parakeet , 13, lives in Singapore. His owner says he has correctly predicted the World Cup's four quarterfinal games and Spain's semifinal victory over Germany.