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你有没有做过什么使得情势更加激烈恶化?Have you done anything to exacerbate the situation?

作为飞行员和航空分析员的米勒·奥布莱恩说,“提起机头将会加剧气流引起的失速。”Pulling the nose up will exacerbate an aerodynamic stall.

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这加重了农村地区男女比例失调的问题。In rural areas that will exacerbate the sex ratio very markedly.

严格限制出口也加剧了全球粮价的上升。Export restrictions also exacerbate the rise of global food prices.

几种药物可能会诱发或加重症状的急性卟啉症。Several drugs may induce or exacerbate symptoms in acute porphyria.

直链烷烃使机器的“爆震”问题更加严重。The straight-chain alkanes exacerbate the problem of engine "knock".

结论黄体酮可能加剧肾缺血-再灌注损伤。Conclusion PROG may exacerbate the renal injury of ischemia-reperfusion.

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压力不会产生痘痘,但会起加重作用。Stress in general can also exacerbate acne, but not cause it, Ibrahim said.

对肾性骨病的治疗会加剧血管钙化吗?。Will the therapy for renal osteodystrophy exacerbate vascular calcification?

不过当我们穿着随意,邋遢的时候,我们把这个问题加重了。But we exacerbate the problem when we dress sloppily or are not well-groomed.

但是,它会加剧抑郁症状,引起肝损伤。However, it can exacerbate depression symptoms, and can also cause liver damage.

浪费加水资源的非有效利用更加加剧了水危机。Utter waste, together with inefficient use of water reserves exacerbate the crisis.

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肠胃病学专家帕拉斯指出,高纤维纳入可能导致机能性肠障碍疾病恶化。Price, a specialist in gastroenterology, says the high fibre intake could exacerbate IBS.

海平面的温度的升高和海水酸化的加剧只能使这个问题恶化。Rising sea-surface temperatures and increasing acidification only exacerbate this problem.

老盯住问题帮不了你,实际上,这还有可能令问题恶化。Staring at the problem won’t help you. In fact, it may very well exacerbate the situation.

食品药品监督管理局提醒,某些心脏药物会加重这种疾病。The Food and Drug Administration has warned that some heart medications may exacerbate it.

肌肉会变空而变虚弱,尤其是腹部的肌肉,它会造成我们的姿势变得更差。Muscles lose mass and weaken, especially in the abdomen, which can exacerbate poor posture.

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如果不能公平分配收益,国民经济增长甚至会加剧不公平程度。Without equitable distribution of benefits, national growth can even exacerbate inequities.

新战略武器削减条约所面临的威胁,可能会加深另一处在里斯本被掩盖的分歧。The threat to New START could exacerbate another difference that was papered over in Lisbon.

基金管理行业和股票市场的结构,或许也加剧了问题的严重性。The structure of the fund management industry and stock market may also exacerbate the problem.