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原来,她们是孤儿,被分别寄养。Original, they are orphan, fosterage be partinged.

那男孩被认养到美国发生在早先的时期。The boy's fosterage to America came at an early age.

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孤残儿童家庭寄养政策是我国在探索儿童福利社会化道路中的一项重要尝试。The policy of family fosterage is an important attempt to the way of socialization of child welfare in our country.

父母双亲死亡的孩子,寄养在亲友家也比放在孤儿院里好。The child that parental parents dies, fosterage also is than putting in home of relatives and friends in orphanage is good.

她最大秘密就是有一个身份不光彩的儿子,多年来一直被寄养在乡下。She has the son of an identity dishonour secretly namely greatly most, come for years all the time by fosterage in the country.

要解决大学生就业难,自主创业是一条重要途径。为此,青年学生要注意培养自我创业的意识和企业家精神。Therefore, the students must pay much attention to the fosterage of their awareness of being self- employed and the entrepreneurship.

寄养在一定程度上提高了儿童的社会交往能力,但是提高的程度与正常儿童相比并不显著。Fosterage has improved children's social skills in a certain way, but the improvement is not remarkable when compare to normal children.

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近几年来,在农村开展孤残儿童家庭寄养已成为一项发展速度快且社会效果好的儿童福利工作。In recent years, fostering orphans and disabled children in rural areas is an quick-development mode of fosterage in variety of fosterages.

生物制药业在我国是经济效益日益看好、市场前景广阔、国家予以重视扶植的高新技术行业。The biotechpharmacy industry is considered to have good economic benefits, vast market potentials and get emphatic fosterage in our country.

上海宝贝之家孤儿寄养点是义务为贫穷偏远地区福利院孤儿提供医疗救助和术前术后临时性照顾的场所。Shanghai Baby's home fosterage place provides free services to those ill orphans, who come from the farewell houses in those depressed areas.

向上级民政部门反映家庭寄养工作情况并提出建议。Reporting the family fosterage goings to the civil affairs administration on the higher levels and bringing forth the corresponding suggestions.

新时期少数民族妇女的自身锻造和社会的重视与培养是一个民族发展繁荣的重要问题。In the new period, the self-forging of the minority women and social recognition and fosterage are the important problem for nation development and prosperity.

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另一方面法律对有些违法行为的置之不理反过来又会助长这些行为的蔓延与扩张。On the other hand, the fact that the law ignores the violation of the administrative behavior will in sequence fosterage the spread and expand of the violation.

本研究期能提供大专院校幼保、幼教相关科系实施校外教学实习课程参考。The research also hopes that it can provide the information to the students of department of child fosterage in college when they practice the off-school training.

男性的身体结构好象天生就具有某种进攻性,而在一个男性传统社会中男性的地位和能力更助长了他们对女性的进攻和占有。Men's body structure seems to have aggression inherently and their status and capability in the traditional society fosterage their aggression and possession of women.

如何运用案后足迹侦破案件,则依赖于技术人员对现场足迹的正确认识和灵活超常的扩展思维能力的培养。How to use the footprints left after the case to solve the case depends on the correct recognition and the fosterage of flexible thinking ability of technical personnel.

它的管理控制实施主体是儿童福利院,管理控制对象则是所有参与家庭寄养工作的人员。The implement principal part in its management control is children's welfare home, the object of management control is the staff involved in the work of family fosterage.

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第三条家庭寄养应当有利于被寄养儿童的抚育、成长,保障被寄养儿童的合法权益不受侵犯。Article 3 Family fosterage shall be beneficial to the upbringing and growing of the fostered children, so as to protect their lawful rights and interests from being infringed.

一般来说,养育质量、母爱缺失与剥夺、儿童的气质、家庭与社会环境等,对儿童依恋影响最大。Generally speaking, fosterage quality, short of and deprive maternal love, the temperament of child, family and social environmental etc. , influence the child attaching most.

第五条残疾的被寄养儿童,应当在具备医疗、特殊教育、康复训练条件的社区中为其选择寄养家庭。Article 5 The fosterage family for the handicapped children shall be chosen from the communities where the medical treatment, special education and healing training conditions are available.