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治疗包括入路选择、闭塞段的开通和再血管化。The method includes acess selecting, recanalization of occlusions and revascularization.

若血管未获再通,其收缩压保持高水平的时间较血管再通者要长久。When recanalization failed, systolic BP remained elevated longer than when it succeeded.

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参数的准确性受血管再通和它的多样的临床表现的影响。Accuracy parameters are affected by the process of recanalization and its varying clinical significance.

目的评价用介入法行输卵管再通术的临床应用价值。Objective To asses the clinical applied value for the salpingian recanalization by means of interventional procedure.

即使及时给予血栓溶解剂成功舒通颅内后循环系统,其死亡率仍居高不下。The use of timely thrombolytic therapy with vertebrobasilar recanalization in patients carries a high mortality rate.

结论体外治疗性超声能促进血栓溶解,缩短再通时间,提高溶栓的成功率。Conclusion ETUS can accelerate thrombolysis, shorten recanalization time and enhance the successful rate of thrombolysis.

闭塞的颈内动脉再通14例,大脑中动脉再通29例,大脑中动脉分支再通30例,椎-基底动脉系统再通20例。Recanalization of ICA territory was achieved in 14 cases, MCA in 29, MCA branches in 30, and vertebral-basilar artery in 20 cases.

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结论动脉内溶栓可有助于再通完全闭塞的大脑中动脉和改善患者预后。Conclusion Intra-arterial thrombolysis is helpful for recanalization of completely occluded MCA and improve the prognosis of patients.

结论腹腔镜下保守手术治疗输卵管妊娠疗效好,输卵管再通率高。Conclusion The curative effect of laparoscope surgery in treatment of tubal pregnancy is good and the recanalization rate of oviduct is high.

当发现输卵管阻塞时,用手助推加压,逐渐增高宫腔内压力,使阻塞输卵管被造影剂压力钝性开通。In cases of obstruction the fallopian tube recanalization could be obtained by manual increasing the contrast injection pressure into the uterine cavity.

结论宫、腹腔镜联合下微导丝疏通是治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕较理想的治疗手段。Conclusions Wire-guided tubal recanalization under hysteroscope combined with laparoscope is an ideal option for the treatment of occluded oviduct infertility.

结论采用简化器械及手术方法进行输卵管介入再通术操作简便、费用低,是一种治疗输卵管阻塞病变安全有效的方法。Conclusion Fallopian tube recanalization with modified interventional technique is a simple, safe, and effective method for treatment of fallopian tube obstruction.

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当抗凝治疗预防新发缺血事件失败,依靠支架辅助血管成形术的颈内动脉再通最近被提倡。Recanalization of internal carotid artery dissection by stent-assisted angioplasty has recently been proposed when anticoagulation fails to prevent a new ischemic event.

目的比较溶栓再通的早晚对组织再灌注的影响,探讨组织再灌注障碍的原因及评价早期溶栓的意义。Objective To study the effect of recanalization time on tissue reperfusion, discuss the cause of reperfusion disturbance and evaluate the significance of early thrombolysis.

大鼠足跖皮下注射角叉菜胶使尾部形成血栓后给药,观察血栓平均长度及再通率。Rats induced by voix pedis subcutaneous injection with carrageenin for thrombose were also administrated for the observation of thrombus average length and recanalization rate.

目的探讨选择性输卵管造影与再通术在诊治输卵管近端梗阻方面的安全性和有效性。Objective To evaluate the safety and efficacy of selective salpingography combined with fallopian tube recanalization for the diagnosis and treatment of proximal tubal obstruction.

右边的曾有血栓形成,血栓机化后再通,可以看到有三个内腔。The coronary at the right is even worse with evidence for previous thrombosis with organization of the thrombus and recanalization such that there are three small lumens remaining.

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各时间窗血管再通率、补救性PCI数及病死率组间比较差异无显著性,死亡原因均为心源性休克或泵衰竭。The total recanalization rate in each time window, the cases of remedial PCI and mortality were not different between groups. All patients died of cardiogenic shock or pump failure.

目的探讨介入性输卵管再通术在治疗输卵管阻塞性不孕症的临床效果及碘化油的应用价值。Objective To study the clinic effect of interventional tube recanalization in treating infertility with fallopian tubal obstruction and the applied value of lipiodol for the procedure.

结论输卵管介入再通术是治疗输卵管不孕的有效治疗方法,在DSA下可减少医源性损害,提高成功率,应规范推广。Conclusion Fallopian tube recanalization should be considered as the effective procedure in the treatment of tubal obstruction. This method is effective and have low exposure in X-ray through DSA.