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酒鬼是酒的奴隶。He is a thrall to drink.

她完全是被狄更斯给迷住了。She was completely in thrall to Dickens.

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但是这次他仍然像往常一样主持发布。But he still held the crowd in thrall as ever.

她以自己身体为代价将男人们的灵魂勾走控制。She gives her body to men to take their souls in thrall.

这位钢琴家以她的演奏征服了每一位听众。This pianoist held every audience in thrall by her playing.

只有少数人死亡的诱惑仍然在他的崇信。Only a small number of dead enders were still in his thrall.

凯恩回去之后会立刻找萨尔谈话。Cairne would speak with Thrall immediately upon their return.

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目前束缚着我们,并不只是他的支配地位。Not his ascendency alone, however, held me in thrall at present.

太空王曾将无数个世界纳入永恒帝国的麾下。The Space Lord has brought countless worlds under the Eternal Empire's thrall.

舍姆森怀疑就算他们两位联手也不一定能阻止如此之多的受奴役的怪物。Shemsen doubted that even the two of them together could hold so many beasts in thrall.

萨尔在第一时间查禁了这出戏,而那个诗人则被送到影月谷去干活。Thrall immediately banned this play and sent the poet to help out in Shadowmoon Valley.

古兰从被降示那一刻起便能保护阿拉伯语免遭奴役。The Qur'an was able to hold the Arabic language in thrall from the moment it was revealed.

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萨尔了解到古尔丹曾经在第一次战争早期流放了霜狼氏族。Thrall learned that Gul'dan had exiled the Frostwolves during the early days of the First War.

发展到的地步如此之深以至于有为专家把第一世界的国家们称之被严格的行程安排所奴役的“多重”国家。It's gone so far that one expert calls First World countries chronocracies, in thrall to rigid scheduling.

为了使部落摆脱恶魔的腐化,萨尔禁止兽人们使用术士魔法和通灵术。In an attempt to rid the Horde of its demonic corruption, Thrall banned the use of Warlock magic and necromancy.

周代鬼神崇信进一步发展,所敬的鬼神已形成天神、人鬼、地祇三个系统。Zhou spirits in thrall to the further development of the King of spirits has become gods, ghosts, the only three systems.

索尔领导著兽人来到卡林多大陆,他们在牛头人同胞的帮助下,建立了一个新的家园。Thrall led the orcs to the continent of Kalimdor, where they founded a new homeland with the help of their tauren brethren.

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我喜欢封面和独家新闻,但是这些新闻又证明了我们只是一群无纪律、慵懒和没希望的只专注于一些假信息的人。We adore “The Front Page” and “Scoop, ” which present us as lazy, unprincipled, and hopelessly in thrall to bogus information.

倒霉的克雷格将某些官员引为知己,但就是这些人把他描绘成深受不谙世事的人权主义分子影响的无能之辈。He was toast, confided anonymous officials who portrayed him as an incompetent in the thrall of bed-wetting human rights types.

早在银河共和国统一银河系分散的世界很久以前,拉卡塔帝国奴役着很多星系。Long before the Galactic Republic held together the scattered worlds of the galaxy, the Rakatan Empire held many systems in thrall.