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难道传说中的金发女孩是瑞典人?Maybe Goldilocks was Swedish?

金凤花和三只熊的故事Goldilocks and the Three Bears

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现在戈笛洛克斯八岁了。Goldilocks was eight years old now.

他们一开始没有注意到金凤花姑娘。They didn't notice Goldilocks at first.

那说高蒂亚和三只小熊如何?How about Goldilocks and the Three fucking Bears?

这就是为什么金发姑娘没有碰到更多熊。It's why Goldilocks did not encounter more bears.

金凤花姑娘在森林里边走边摘了几朵花。Goldilocks walked in the forest and picked some flowers.

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开始,金凤花姑娘很累她想坐下来。First, Goldilocks wanted to sit down because she was tired.

金凤花姑娘独自走进了阴暗的森林里,摘了一些花。All alone in the dark forest, Goldilocks picked some flowers.

金发姑娘叹了一声气,躺在第三张床上睡着了。Goldilocks sighed and fell asleep as she was lying in the third bed.

然而,大家闺秀已经离开美联储大楼,而且没有很快回来的迹象。But Goldilocks has left the building, and shows no sign of returning soon.

金凤花姑娘从床上跳了下来,也顾不上提篮子,便冲出了房间。Goldilocks jumped out of bed and hurried out of the house without her basket.

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但是我们如何才能说服我们自己在可居住星球上有生物居住?But how would we convince ourselves anything is living on a Goldilocks planet?

金凤姑娘冲下楼梯,打开房门,逃进了盛临。Goldilocks ran down the stairs, opened the door, and ran away into the forest.

金凤花姑娘跳下床,没有拿篮子就冲出房子。Goldilocks jumped out of the bed and rushed out of the house without her basket.

接着,它们朝卧室看去,起初他们没看见金凤花姑娘。Next, the bears looked in their bedroom . They didn't notice Goldilocks at first.

让人浮想联翩的是,这颗行星位于比邻星的适居带,那里的温度也许既不太热也不太冷。Intriguingly, the planet is in the star's "Goldilocks zone, " where it may not be too hot nor too cold.

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之前唯一一次探测到的,而且直到如今还依然站得住脚的适居带是在2007年被探测到的。The only past discovery of a Goldilocks planet that still stands up today is one that was found in 2007.

现在,金发姑娘决定要休息了,她走上楼来到三只小熊睡觉的卧室。Now, being determined to rest, Goldilocks went upstairs into the bedchamber in which the Three Bears slept.

金发姑娘说对了,但那碗炖肉太凉了。她抓过第三碗炖肉风卷残云地把它吃掉了。第三碗刚恰好。Goldilocks was right, but it was too cold. She grabbed the third bowl and gobbled it down. It was just right.