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我创立天使学。I founded Angelology.

这座城堡建于1371年。It was founded in 1371.

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塔特尔农场始建于1632年。It was founded in 1632.

善是立基于恶之上。Good is founded upon evil.

由郑艳凤博士创办。Founded by Dr. Flora Cheng.

英国东印度公司于1639年在此建立圣·乔治要塞。Founded in 1639 as Fort St.

罗马建立于公元前753年。Rome was founded in 753 BC.

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他建立了俄国海军。He founded the Russian navy.

团组织是什么时候创建的?。When was the League founded?

他是在1926年实施此法的。The ITTF was founded in 1926.

1291年上海正式建城。In 1291, Shanghai was founded.

这家工厂是何时建立的?When was this factory founded?

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新鲜直达1999年成立。FreshDirect was founded in 1999.

欧瓦修道院始建于1070年。Orval Abbey was founded in 1070.

公司创建于二零零一年。The company was founded in 2001.

富在16年前创立了GNC。Tomiya founded GNC 16 years ago.

东澳网络成立于2015年。East network was founded in 2015.

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年成立顿力集团。In 2007, Dunli Group was founded.

我们的还价是很合理的。Our counteroffer is well founded.

彼得在罗马建立教会。Peter founded the church in Rome.