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完美伴侣,从我做起。Be your ideal spouse.

你的老伴儿也不会让你去。Your spouse won’t stand for it.

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你的配偶也会拿到一个H-4的签证。Your spouse will have a H-4 visa.

请问您的眷属也是成大校友吗?。Is your spouse also an NCKU Alumni?

加强与配偶和孩子们的沟通。Reconnect with Your Spouse and Kids.

只要我的爱人是遣甬的水焰。Only my spouse It is the lovely flame.

想爱你的伴侣和孩子却觉得太累?Too tired to love your spouse and kids?

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对配偶忠贞不渝是一项义务。Being faithful to one's spouse is a duty.

不要寄希望于你的配偶会先开始讲。Do not expect your spouse to speak first.

不要认为我是阿伽门农的妻子。Imagine not that I am Agamemnon's spouse.

你的伴侣有什么不喜欢做的杂务吗?Does your spouse have a chore they despise?

你说你结婚了,我就要看看你的配偶You got married, I want to see your spouse.

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娶了“葡萄的女儿”来续弦。And took the Daughter of the Vine to Spouse.

最后,和你的配偶和家人报备。Lastly, check in with your spouse and family.

你在和坏脾气的配偶或情人生活在一起吗?Are you living with a grumpy spouse or partner?

你的朋友正在向你谈论她的丈夫。and your friend is telling you about her spouse

让你的妻子或丈夫,或者朋友帮你校对一遍。Have a spouse or friend proofread your proposal.

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当你和配偶结婚了,两人就合二为一了。When you and your spouse married, two became one.

但你不清楚你的另一半怎么想。But you don't know how your spouse feels about that.

你想留钱给你的配偶和孩子吗?Do you want to leave money for a spouse or children?