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她患有支气管哮喘。She suffers from bronchial asthma.

洋葱对支气管的收缩有很大的帮助。Eating onions helps ease constriction of bronchial tubes.

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小剂量可抑制唾液分泌、支气管分泌及出汗。Small doses depress salivary and bronchial secretion and sweating.

肺癌和支气管癌是美国最顶级的致命癌症。Lung and bronchial cancer is the top killer cancer in the United States.

一般来讲,支气管的呼吸声有时能在柄状体处被听到。Normally, bronchial breath sounds are sometimes heard over the manubrium.

很多细支气管肺泡癌病例FDG-PET检查可呈现假阴性。Bronchial alveolar carcinomas lead to many false negative cases in FDG-PET.

本文报告31例选择性支气管动脉造影结果。The results of selective bronchial arteriography in 31 cases were reported.

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免疫组化结果显示,NK-1R主要分布于支气管黏膜上皮细胞。NK-1R immunoreactivity was observed primarily in bronchial epithelial cells.

支气管的呼吸声比肺气泡的呼吸声音调更响,更高。Bronchial breath sounds are louder and higher in pitch than vesicular sounds.

支气管内过误瘤被认为是来自支气管内结缔组织的罕见肺部良性肿瘤。Endobronchial hamartoma is a rare benign tumor arising in the bronchial wall.

目的观察信必可都保治疗支气管哮喘的临床疗效。Objective To observe the curative of symbicort turbuhaler on bronchial asthma.

曲尼司特胶囊为一新的平喘药。Tranilast capsules is a new anti allergic drug effective for bronchial asthma.

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目的探讨CT对支气管黏液嵌塞的诊断价值。Objective To evaluate the diagnostic value of CT in bronchial mucoid impaction.

目的探讨IL-15在支气管哮喘发病机制中的作用。Objective To explore the significance of IL-15 in pathogenesis of bronchial asthma.

统计学说明支气管激发试验较皮试法有显著优越性。Statis-tics show that bronchial provocation testis better than intracutaneous test.

目的研究支气管哮喘与结核菌素反应之间的关系。Objective To study the relationship between bronchial asthma and tuberculin reaction.

目的探讨舒利迭治疗支气管哮喘的临床疗效。Objective To investigate the clinical curative effect of seretide on bronchial asthma.

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但少数由于假腆延及气管、支气管。But minority, because the vacation thrusts out involves the trachea, the bronchial tube.

补肺片对支气管哮喘患者具有增强免疫功能作用。BFP has the effect of strengthening the immune function of patients with bronchial asthma.

一些古老的传统认为杏仁有助于减轻支气管问题,包括咳嗽。Some ancient traditions believe almonds help relieve bronchial problems, including coughs.