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个人言语的表达不过是自我中心主义罢了。Personal utterance was only egotism.

一些不高明的意见也在会上提了出来。Some unwise suggestions also found utterance at the meeting.

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但是,话语义同语言义之间是怎样的关系呢?However, how is utterance meaning related to language meaning?

倒不如说,那个时候是丰沛情感的吐露。Such is rather a time when the utterance is thick with emotion.

他的讲话引起阵阵哄然大笑。This utterance of his was greeted with bursts of uproarious laughter.

一场奇妙的言语不通的观光旅程开始了。The sightseeing that a wonderful utterance is illogical is itinerary began.

经过这么多个月的斟酌,结果就是这些平淡的话语吗?After all those months of deliberation, was this prosaic utterance the pay-off?

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我的小小的心,消融在无边快乐之中,发出不可言说的词调。My little heart loses its limits in joy and gives birth to utterance ineffable.

圣尊理解并掌握了它,并做了这一庄严的承诺。And the Blessed One beheld it with understanding, and made this solemn utterance.

是否说出了决心它就会神奇的带来你追求的转变?Does the utterance of affirmations themselves magically cause the changes you seek?

换言之,说出口的语言实际像是经过精心雕琢,来表达特定的意思。In other words the language of an utterance is crafted to say some particular thing.

而指示语作为语用学中的一个重要内容反映的正是话语和语境的关系。Deixis , as an important content, reflects the relation between utterance and context.

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他的任何话语都可能造成市场上几千亿的盈利或亏损。His every utterance could cause hundreds of billions to be made or lost in the market.

全盘性反传统就是20世纪中国最尴尬的话语表达。The most awkward utterance in the 20th century China was the wholesale anti-tradition.

奇怪的念头不期而来,万物都想说出自己的秘密。Strange thoughts arise unsummoned, and the mystery of all things strives for utterance.

那一刹那的静穆,如同宣告了神谕之后一般深沉。There was a momentary silence, profound as what should follow the utterance of oracles.

老练的观察者倾向于认为,穆里尼奥说的每一番话都别有用心。Seasoned observers like to think that Mourinho's every utterance is calculated for effect.

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预设是以隐含的方式内嵌于句子或语段之中的无须断言的信息或命题。Presupposition is the implicit information or proposition embedded in a sentence or utterance.

“他最有力的话语,是情绪咕嘟树皮即是说”我怀念你!His most eloquent utterance is the emotional gurgle of barks that means to say I've missed you!

躁狂状态最为多见,表现兴奋、情绪高涨、言语增加。Mania condition sees more most, rising, utterance increases expressional excitement, sentiment.