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你这是在跟一个土著人打交道。You're dealing with an aborigine.

一名土著人突然用相当标准的英语说道。Said one aborigine suddenly in very orthodox English.

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乌来大街的尽头,即为乘缆车处,并竖立有山胞塑像。The statue of an aborigine near the cable car station.

土著对澳大利亚土著人的贬义称呼…Used as a disparaging term for an australian aborigine.

在山地同胞诗歌朗诵会上,雅美族诗人夏曼.蓝波安用风平浪静的雅美语朗诵自己的诗。Yami poet recites a poem of his in his native language at an aborigine poetry reading.

本研究调查,屏东县原住民之社经条件中,教育程度、职业与收入高低呈正相关。The income of Pingtung aborigine is positively correlated with their level of education and occupation.

多年来,土著居民利用不同的方式和更新的题材来使艺术作品跟上时代潮流。Over the years, Aborigine tribal members have updated past artworks with different styles and new subjects.

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她最完美地代表了她的土著民族,为他们奋斗,给他们信心。She represents her Aborigine people to the fullest, fights for them, and gives them something to believe in.

李亦园经常亲自带学生下田野作研究,这是他与学生在山地部落的合影。Prof. Li often takes his students into the field for research. Here they visit an aborigine tribe in the mountains.

布农族巡山员是玉山国家公园管理处的生力军。Rangers from the Bunung aborigine tribe are "fresh troops" for Yushan National Park's Planning and Management Division.

主角之一、饰演赛德克族部落首领的林庆台是泰雅族原住民,此前从未演过电影。Lin Ching-tai, an aborigine from the Atayal tribe who plays the lead role of a Seediq tribal chief, had never acted previously.

威勒斯雷夫和他的同事们需要一位未携带欧洲移民基因的澳大利亚土著人的DNA。Willerslev and his colleagues needed DNA from an Australian Aborigine who wouldn't have carried genes from European settlers. Dr.

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这些隐藏在澳大利亚茂密热带雨林中土著雕塑好像与周围的自然环境融为一体。Hidden deep within a lush Australian rainforest are a set of mystical Aborigine sculptures seemingly merged into the natural surroundings.

这幅没有标日期的壁画是在2008年秋天的一次探险中发现的,地点是澳大利亚北部阿纳姆地土著居住区的Djulirri。The undated painting was found during an fall 2008 expedition at Djulirri in the Aborigine territory of Arnhem Land in northern Australia.

在罗巴克湾我见到一座土著怀孕妇女的雕像,她奋力从海浪中高举双臂,手里拿着一只珍珠蚌壳。On Roebuck Bay I come across a statue of a pregnant Aborigine woman, her armsdesperately rising out of a wave with a pearl shell in her hand.

“土人”既是愈孔坚对自己的称呼,也是研究所的名字,更是他个人景观设计理念的体现。" aborigine " is the more Kongjian of their title, but also the Institute's name is the embodiment of his personal landscape design concepts.

威勒斯雷夫从一位100年前居住在澳大利亚西南部偏远地区的土著人的头发样本中找到了他需要的DNA。Willerslev found the DNA he needed in a 100-year-old hair sample from an Aborigine who lived in a relatively remote area of southwest Australia.

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在澳大利亚土著文化——一些专家认为这是世界上最古老的连续的文化——中,岩石艺术是对过去事件的唯一书面记录。In Aborigine culture--the oldest continuous culture in the world, according to experts--rock art serves as the only written record of past events.

威勒斯雷夫从一位100年前居住在澳大利亚西南部偏远地区的土著人的头发样本中找到了他需要的DNA。Dr. Willerslev found the DNA he needed in a 100-year-old hair sample from an Aborigine who lived in a relatively remote area of southwest Australia.

这些岩石艺术的年代有15,000年到50年,是土著生活的历代志,包括许多描绘和其他文化往来关系的情景。The rock art, which ranges from 15, 000 years old to 50 years old, chronicles Aborigine life, including scenes depicting relationships with other cultures.