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现在让我们谈谈医改。Health care reform.

祝您健康!Wishing you health.

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购买健康险。Buy health insurance.

祝您身体健康。Wish you good health.

他健康绝隹。He is in bully health.

保护你的健康。Safeguard your health.

为您的健康干杯。Cheers! To your health.

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一起健康美!Health beauty together!

休息使人健康。Rest brings one health.

这对你的健康有好处。Its good for your health.

他们为他的健康干杯。They drink to his health.

竹马跳三圈,个个都健康。We dance for your health.

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留心你的健康。Be careful of your health.

我认为是他的健康问题。I come back to his health.

今天是世界卫生日。Today is World Health Day.

吸烟会损害我们的健康。Smoking impairs our health.

壮健是生第一财富。The first wealth is health.

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这是一个健康宣示Well that's a health claim.

不要为我的身体担忧。Don't worry about my health.

他现已恢复健康。He has recruited his health.